To celebrate the new year, we're featuring notables born in the twenty-fifth year of their
century. Per, I am:
21 degrees from Arthur Guinness - founder of Guinness brewery
27 degrees from Tommaso d'Aquino - theologian known for his enormous work, the Summa Theologica
20 degrees from Juana Aragon - Juana Enriquez, Queen of Aragon
23 degrees from Jean Martin Charcot - pioneering neurologist
24 degrees from Johan de Witt - Dutch statesman and mathematician
34 degrees from B. B. King - blues musician
19 degrees from Angela Lansbury - actress, especially for Disney, and amateur detective
on "Murder, She Wrote"
22 degrees from William Little - founder, along with his brother, of "King James College,"
later Edinburgh University
20 degrees from Oliver Plunkett - St. Oliver Plunkett, Irish archbishop and victim of "the
Popish Plot"
15 degrees from Joseph-Noel Ritchot - missionary to the Metis
26 degrees from Catherine Spence - first female political candidate in Australia
21 degrees from Wallace Yonamine
It is always interesting to visit the past to see how we are related to each other.
I have some ancestors that were astronauts, black, bank robbers, musicians, politicians,
physicians, detectives, architects, actors, comedians. I guess that I am a collection of
all of them, as we ALL are. helps me gather this information with their weekly newsletters.
If you would like to find your connections to famous people, you can start by giving me
some basic information by going to:
and click on the 'Request Form' link.
I have researched the ancestry for many persons interested in their family history.
Mike Dippel
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