• Hobby Echo

    From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Tue Feb 22 19:00:04 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Pi R squared. Nooo! Pie R round, cornbread R square!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Tue Mar 22 19:00:06 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- If at first you don't succeed, put it out for beta test.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Fri Apr 22 19:00:04 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Brain dysfunction detected...
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Sun May 22 19:00:06 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Assassins do it from behind!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From David Smith@954:895/30 to Mike Dippel on Mon May 23 08:47:50 2022
    Any model railroading folks out there? :)

    ... "I am" is the shortest sentence in English. Is 'I do' the longest?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Daves BBS (954:895/30)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to David Smith on Mon May 23 12:45:58 2022
    On 5/23/2022 8:52 AM, David Smith wrote to Mike Dippel:

    Any model railroading folks out there? :)

    Funny you should mention that. When I moved into the complex in Sun City Center, FL
    I saw that there was a room dedicated to model railroading. Every time I went by, the
    room was locked and unoccupied. Finally, my wife and I saw that there were members
    inside so we talked with them for quite a while.

    Even though I really looked forward to joining, I felt that I might get bored with it and
    never joined.

    Years ago, when my son was in his early teens, he and I would travel to the model
    railroading stores to purchase various items that I could use to build a table complete
    with lights, track, buildings, etc. It was a great time for both of us because it was
    something that kept us both occupied.

    It took about 2 years to complete since we were doing it in our spare time. Finally it
    was complete. We watched as the train went around the track over and over again. We
    both looked at each other after a while and said that the real fun was spending the time
    to build it, but using it was a bit boring.

    I hope this doesn't dissuade you. We did have a great 2 years planning and buildng it.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From David Smith@954:895/30 to Mike Dippel on Mon May 23 12:58:24 2022
    Funny you should mention that. When I moved into the complex in Sun City Center, FL
    I saw that there was a room dedicated to model railroading. Every time
    I went by, the
    room was locked and unoccupied. Finally, my wife and I saw that there were members
    inside so we talked with them for quite a while.

    Even though I really looked forward to joining, I felt that I might get bored with it and
    never joined.

    I know what you mean there's a club nearby here that I've talked to about joining a few times but never really made it to any of their meetings. I started working on a layout here for a while but I tend to go from one hobby to another so its been collecting dust for a while now. Been thinking about getting back out there and working on it some!

    ... There will be a rain dance Friday night, weather permitting!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Daves BBS (954:895/30)
  • From David Smith@954:895/30 to Mike Dippel on Mon May 23 13:01:28 2022
    I hope this doesn't dissuade you. We did have a great 2 years planning and buildng it.

    I spent a few months working on my layout and then tore it all out and started over after realizing my curves were too sharp for a lot of my equipment. I'm still not 100% happy with it so ifI get back out there I might start over again! :)

    ... There is an exception to every rule, except this one.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Daves BBS (954:895/30)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Fri Jul 22 19:00:02 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- This is just a hobby. Perfection is not required. Fun is.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Mon Aug 22 19:00:04 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- When there's a will, I want to be in it.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Fri Sep 23 00:05:08 2022
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Justice: A decision in your favour.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Wed Mar 22 19:00:04 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Due to the outbreak of aids, employees will no longer be permitted to kiss the boss's ass.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Mon May 22 19:00:02 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Facts are stubborn things.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From John Guillory@954:895/25 to Mike Dippel on Mon May 22 23:23:38 2023
    I love Photography! I wished I still had my SLR and Digital cam corder! I used to do some neat effects with the exposure settings!

    John H. Guillory
    call sign KF5QEO
    URL: kf5qeo.servebbs.net
    KF5QEO's Shack BBS

    ... Redundant book title: DOS For Dummies

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/03/14 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: KF5QEO's Shack -- kf5qeo.servebbs.net (954:895/25)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to John Guillory on Tue May 23 22:31:00 2023
    On 5/22/2023 11:28 PM, John Guillory wrote to Mike Dippel:

    I love Photography! I wished I still had my SLR and Digital cam corder! I used to do some neat effects with the exposure settings!

    John H. Guillory
    call sign KF5QEO
    URL: kf5qeo.servebbs.net
    KF5QEO's Shack BBS

    My wife still owns a Canon AE1 but sadly doesn't use it anymore. We thought about
    donating it to a photography school, but never got around to it. She took some beautiful
    pix with it including sunsets.

    I always had birthday and Christmas gifts that I could give her. I would purchase
    various filters and lenses from local pawn shops. Made her very happy!

    It's just so much more convenient to use the cell phones now.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From John Guillory@954:895/25 to Mike Dippel on Wed May 24 09:31:48 2023
    It's just so much more convenient to use the cell phones now.

    That's why I loved my camcorder. It had most of the settings of my Cannon Rebel, but didn't need developing.... One cool effect is setting the lens to be open for a minute, then take a picture of the stars.

    John H. Guillory
    call sign KF5QEO
    URL: kf5qeo.servebbs.net
    KF5QEO's Shack BBS

    ... The seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/03/14 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: KF5QEO's Shack -- kf5qeo.servebbs.net (954:895/25)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Thu Jun 22 19:00:02 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Black holes really suck...
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Sat Jul 22 19:00:06 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- It's all fun and games, 'till someone loses an eye! Then it's a *SPORT* --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Tue Aug 22 19:00:10 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Fri Sep 22 19:00:02 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Wed Oct 11 23:00:08 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Hold a hard drive to your ear -- listen to the C:
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to Mike Dippel on Mon Oct 23 15:39:20 2023
    Speaking of Hobbies ..
    I created this server today :

    I added things like my 3D Rendering, GMRS Radios, RC Models, RPGs, Crafting, and there will be more to come.

    Yeah, it was a pretty lax day so I got fun stuff done, LOL!!

    I'm still trying to figure out if the software allows direct links to each section like f4fbbs.com/humhub/RCModeling or something, but can't find it anywhere in the documentation.

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to Sirronmit on Mon Oct 23 20:24:42 2023
    On 10/23/2023 3:44 PM, Sirronmit wrote to Mike Dippel:

    Speaking of Hobbies ..
    I created this server today :

    I added things like my 3D Rendering, GMRS Radios, RC Models, RPGs, Crafting, and there will be more to come.

    Yeah, it was a pretty lax day so I got fun stuff done, LOL!!

    I'm still trying to figure out if the software allows direct links to each section like f4fbbs.com/humhub/RCModeling or something, but can't find it anywhere in the documentation.

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit

    Very cool. Reminds me a bit of Facebook with the image displays and such.
    The software that I run my web Directories on can do something like this as well. This is
    old software, but has quite a lot of features.

    The documentation can be found at:

    The 'How To's, Tips & Tricks' section 12 shows some of its capabilities. I use it to run my
    26 niche directory websites. Visitors can submit their websites, add images. I can
    accept Premium listings for a fee, or free standard listings.

    My largest directory is at: https://etalii.biz/

    It keeps me busy to run all of the sites, but I need something to do :) It also brings in
    some revenue.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to Mike Dippel on Tue Oct 24 08:01:46 2023
    very kewl -- sorry I missed your application last night - I have it setup to force me to acknowledge each person for now as I complete my testing.

    I will check out the two sites you listed today if my work server allows :)

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From roman@954:895/20 to Mike Dippel on Fri Oct 27 15:06:19 2023
    Guys, I also have a great hobby. I look for alternative media to read. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, I have collected more than 200 thematic alternative media and created an RSS aggregator. Unfortunately, the coolest sites with crazy news have already closed. But I continue to work. If you know any conspiracy, conservative, anomalous sites, then let me know in the guest book https://cdg.neocities.org
    Links to news sites on spiritual and religious topics are also interesting.

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 14.21.3)
    * Origin: Westwood BBS II (954:895/20)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to Roman on Fri Oct 27 19:38:18 2023
    On 10/27/2023 3:11 PM, Roman wrote to Mike Dippel:

    Guys, I also have a great hobby. I look for alternative media to read. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, I have collected more than 200
    thematic alternative media and created an RSS aggregator. Unfortunately, the coolest sites with crazy news have already closed. But I continue to work. If
    you know any conspiracy, conservative, anomalous sites, then let me know in the
    guest book https://cdg.neocities.org
    Links to news sites on spiritual and religious topics are also interesting.

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 14.21.3)
    * Origin: Westwood BBS II (954:895/20)

    I can't contribute to your list, but I DO run a bunch of Directory websites in case you
    have a site that you want listed. It's free.

    Check out: https://hobbyline.com/aboutus.htm for the list.

    p.s. I sent an email to you to change my password when logging into your system.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From roman@954:895/20 to Mike Dippel on Sat Oct 28 11:43:54 2023
    Thank you. It's very hard to find new crazy news sites. Sometimes it seems to me that I have already discovered all the coolest sites. But maybe I'll get lucky and find something else here!

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 14.21.3)
    * Origin: Westwood BBS II (954:895/20)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Sat Nov 11 23:00:08 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- "To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Mon Dec 11 23:00:08 2023
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- You can tune a guitar, but you cant tuna fish.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Thu Jan 11 23:00:10 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- If you think sex is a pain in the ass, you're doing it wrong.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Thu Feb 15 07:53:32 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Thu Apr 11 23:00:02 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Feel lucky???? Update your software!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From CJ@954:895/61 to Mike Dippel on Thu Apr 11 23:31:00 2024
    Mike Dippel wrote to All <=-

    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed
    including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),

    But there's an area specific to camping! ;) Where's your favorite
    campground? I was camping four or five times per year there for
    a while. Hit a number of State Parks here in Florida (multiple times). One
    of my favorites is Anastasia up in St. Augustine. Fort Mountain up in
    Northern Georgia is very nice as well. Hoping to get back out there
    in the near future. Had several "set backs" over the past two to three years that kinda put the kabash on my travels. Been tent camping up until now.
    I'll probably invest in a small (around 21 foot) camper. I think it will
    make life a lot easier, not having to load/unload the truck, pitch the tent, pitch the screenroom and get everything setup...then reverse it all at the
    end of the trip. Will be great to be able to just hook up and go. :)

    Chris (CJ)
    SysOp - CJ's Place BBS

    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: CJ's Place, Orange City FL > cjsplace.thruhere.net (954:895/61)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to Cj on Fri Apr 12 00:51:52 2024
    On 4/11/2024 11:35 PM, Cj wrote to Mike Dippel:

    But there's an area specific to camping! ;) Where's your favorite campground? I was camping four or five times per year there for
    a while. Hit a number of State Parks here in Florida (multiple times). One of my favorites is Anastasia up in St. Augustine. Fort Mountain up in Northern Georgia is very nice as well. Hoping to get back out there
    in the near future. Had several "set backs" over the past two to three years
    that kinda put the kabash on my travels. Been tent camping up until now. I'll probably invest in a small (around 21 foot) camper. I think it will make life a lot easier, not having to load/unload the truck, pitch the tent, pitch the screenroom and get everything setup...then reverse it all at the end of the trip. Will be great to be able to just hook up and go. :)

    Chris (CJ)
    SysOp - CJ's Place BBS

    We have been camping now for 50 years, Started with a tent, then several trailers, and
    we are now on our third motorhome.

    Our favorite campground would be Disney's Fort Wilderness, but we haven't been to
    Disney since before Covid. We are waiting for the right time to get our season passes
    again. We usually try to go there when there is good entertainment in Epcot. It would
    be nice to park the camper and eat our meals there and not have to pay big money for
    food in the parks.

    I posted a message about our current trip in the Camping echo.

    Stay in touch! Maybe we can camp together sometime.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Tue Jun 11 23:00:10 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Why are you looking down here? The joke is above!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Sun Aug 11 23:00:04 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Chess players mate better.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Wed Sep 11 23:00:10 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Always glad to share my ignorance - I've got plenty.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Fri Oct 11 23:00:04 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- RUNTIME ERROR 6D at 417A: 32CF: Incompetent user
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Mon Nov 11 23:00:08 2024
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- If I save time, when do I get it back ?
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Sat Jan 11 23:00:08 2025
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- REHAB is for quitters.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Tue Feb 11 23:00:08 2025
    Please use this area to post about any hobby not already listed including archery,
    biking, bowling, gardening, photography, etc. How about camping ( I love to camp),
    knitting etc.

    Mike Dippel

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
    --- Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From SirRonmit@954:200/52 to ALL on Thu Feb 20 08:25:04 2025
    So I'm FINALLY in a position to upgrade my 20W DIODE laser to a larger CO2.

    I originally researched and REALLY wanted the GLOWFORGE. However, after seeing that it REQUIRED the Internet just to work, that was when I had started looking at other alternatives.

    I've been looking up the differences between the DIODE and the CO2. I know the CO2 will do more things that I really want, but it appears that I need to learn how to :
    1) align mirrors
    2) track antifreeze (unless I place this in my basement)
    3) learn how FREQUENCIES affect items (this is a more difficult issue as there aren't many help files out there on that in itself.)

    Anyone on here use a CO2 and point me in the right direction to learn?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:200/52)