Beading Echo
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Mon Feb 14 17:00:02 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Mon Mar 14 17:00:02 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Feel lucky???? Update your software!
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Thu Apr 14 17:00:02 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Bugs come in through open Windows.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sat May 14 17:00:08 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Jun 14 17:00:06 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- To Err is human, to forgive is simply not our policy.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Thu Jul 14 17:00:06 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Alone: In bad company.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sun Aug 14 17:00:02 2022
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- I.R.S.: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Feb 14 17:00:02 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- ERROR 406: file corrupt: config.earth --- reboot universe? (Y/N)
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Mar 14 17:00:08 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Half of the people in the world are below average.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Fri Apr 14 17:00:06 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sun May 14 17:00:10 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Wed Jun 14 17:00:08 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Fri Jul 14 17:00:08 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Facts are stubborn things.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Mon Aug 14 17:00:08 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Sex is like a bridge game: If you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Oct 3 23:00:10 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Fri Nov 3 23:00:04 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- If Clinton is the answer it must been a stupid question.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sun Dec 3 23:00:04 2023
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Wed Jan 3 23:00:02 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Stay Alert. Stay Awake. Stay Alive.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sat Feb 3 23:00:08 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- You're only young once; you can be immature forever
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sun Mar 3 23:00:06 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- I don't care who you are, Fatso. Get the reindeer off my roof!
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Wed Apr 3 23:00:04 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Fri May 3 23:00:06 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Im not as think as you drunk i am.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sat Aug 3 23:00:06 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- "I am logged in, therefore I am."
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Sep 3 23:00:04 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Hold a hard drive to your ear -- listen to the C:
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
halian@954:895/28 to
Mike Dippel on Thu Sep 5 15:34:16 2024
@MSGID: 954:895/1 8fcf128a
@TZUTC: -0400
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Suggest deleting this echo, as it's also dead.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/32)
* Origin: Archaic Binary * bbs.archaicbinary.net (954:895/28)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Thu Oct 3 23:00:02 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- "I tried to think but nothing happened!" - Curly
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Sun Nov 3 23:00:04 2024
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- The only real difference between an oral and rectal thermometer is the taste.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Dec 3 23:00:08 2024
ID: 954:895/1 877481fd
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- What has four legs and an arm? A happy pitbull.
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Fri Jan 3 23:00:06 2025
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Southern DOS: Y'all reckon? (yep/Nope)
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Tue Feb 4 00:39:32 2025
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Black holes really suck...
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to
All on Mon Mar 3 23:00:06 2025
linebbs.com (954:895/1)
Chat about the craft of beading, beadwork jewelry and patterns.
Mike Dippel
Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The Hobby Line! BBS])
--- Blessed are the pessimists, for they make backups!
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
* Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)