- When required it sends a restart to the Mystic Docker
- too many connections to port 22/23 due to portscanners
+ causing Mystic to respond only with BUSY
- my scripts failing and causing the node to freeze
- various server issues which caused ssh/telnet to be unresponsive
Yep, all true! And I am fully aware, although the downsides are more severe. Not being able to toss, poll, connect for hours on end or when I finally see an issue. And an disconnect when all nodes are busy, sometimes booting someone, Ill take that inconvenience over the other negative points.- When required it sends a restart to the Mystic Dockernice, now it can reboot in the middle of maintenance, message tossing, etc and it'll boot whoever is online if (say) 3 nodes are junked and one is a
why are you having these problems? why not try and solve thoseinstead?
When I was running Mystic a46 there werent any issues. This all
occured when moving to a48/a49. It must be my server configuration together with that version, as nothing else changed.
Thanks for your insight ^^, wouldnt you take this solution seeing the
time and benefits?
why not run a46? is there something significant you can't live without?
So far I see that every random period the following command takes 99%
CPU for about 30 seconds up to 2:30 mins: "./mystic -T+".
Anybody know what this command does and why its triggering a high CPU load?
So far I see that every random period the following command takes 99% CPU for about 30 seconds up to 2:30 mins: "./mystic -T+".
Anybody know what this command does and why its triggering a high CPU load?
Looking at the online Mystic Wiki -> Overview -> Mystic Ecosystem -> MYSTIC -T# This specifies the number of minutes the user will be
I had a look, thank you for the lead! Not sure how I would get this to work. However, you did give me an idea. If I check TERMTYPE in Mystic connect.mps I can kick the connection if termtype is ASCII. Which is the usual one for the bots it seems.
Thx for some giving some energy, I changed my reset scripts to send me more detailed information through Slack and I am debugging the issue which occurs.
I had a look, thank you for the lead! Not sure how I would get this
to work. However, you did give me an idea. If I check TERMTYPE in
Mystic connect.mps I can kick the connection if termtype is ASCII.
Which is the usual one for the bots it seems.
So far I see that every random period the following command takes 99%
CPU for about 30 seconds up to 2:30 mins: "./mystic -T+".
Anybody know what this command does and why its triggering a high CPU
So far I see that every random period the following command takes 99% CPU for about 30 seconds up to 2:30 mins: "./mystic -T+".
Anybody know what this command does and why its triggering a high CPU load?
If you don't know what that command does, why are you running it?
I've never had to use that switch in the 20+ years I've used Mystic. So I imagine it's anything useful..?
right on :) yeah just kinda sucks to see mystic in limbo needing workarounds..
I've never had to use that switch in the 20+ years I've used Mystic.
So I imagine it's anything useful..?
Thats the thing, I am not running it :). It like Mystic runs it
itself time to time. Not a single bash script or event does anything remotely like that command.
On Mon, Feb 10 2025 22:54:46 -0600, you wrote:
right on :) yeah just kinda sucks to see mystic in limbo needing workarounds..
Pretty sure if you force ANSI instead of using detection, it does basically the same thing as your MPL script does without any "workarounds."
Pretty sure if you force ANSI instead of using detection, it does
basically the same thing as your MPL script does without any
the "workarounds" here were referring to MIS getting into a state it
won't accept connections, requiring his script to restart the docker
I had a look, thank you for the lead! Not sure how I would get this
to work. However, you did give me an idea. If I check TERMTYPE in
Mystic connect.mps I can kick the connection if termtype is ASCII.
Which is the usual one for the bots it seems.
yeah that's what i currently do. just dump a message "this bbs
requires an ansi capable terminal," list off a few of them and
hangup. on a47 though..
somewhere between the bot being allowed to connect, dumping whatever
it does at the mystic login prompt, and then getting booted for
incorrect passwords or idle timeout, is causing MIS or mystic to mark
the node BUSY permanently, among other issues.
that's the only problem. it doesn't really matter whether or how we
boot the user for not having ANSI. what if i want to allow non-ANSI
users? sync does.. mystic does too, but the bots are breaking the
server.. it's a bug ;)
I'm fairly certain this is what I replied to:
So you're basically saying that because Mystic doesn't have pfsense features/functionality built into it, it's buggy? I can't imagine why g00r00 disappears from the scene for years at a crack. lol
That said, you should probably take matters into your own hands, rather than waiting for James to come back (and who knows, it may never happen again). It's not like he's getting any kind of paycheck for Mystic or anything. So there's really no incentive for him to come back besides maybe his own boredom, and the sudden urge to listen to people complain about the software he created. lol
If you wanted to allow non-ansi callers, then you wouldn't have wrote
that script you pasted, which is what I was replying to, now would you?
anything. So there's really no incentive for him to come back besides maybe his own boredom, and the sudden urge to listen to people complain about the software he created. lol
On 10 Feb 2025, Accession said the following...Yes this is correct.
On Mon, Feb 10 2025 22:54:46 -0600, you wrote:
right on :) yeah just kinda sucks to see mystic in limbo needing workarounds..
Pretty sure if you force ANSI instead of using detection, it does basically the same thing as your MPL script does without any "workarounds."
the "workarounds" here were referring to MIS getting into a state it won't accept connections, requiring his script to restart the docker image.
somewhere between the bot being allowed to connect, dumping whatever it do the mystic login prompt, and then getting booted for incorrect passwords o idle timeout, is causing MIS or mystic to mark the node BUSY permanently, other issues.Again correct, the constant hammering does 'something' which causesm mystic to be unresponsive. Of course it could be the server too, but I did not change anything except mystic version.
that's the only problem. it doesn't really matter whether or how we boot t user for not having ANSI. what if i want to allow non-ANSI users? sync doe mystic does too, but the bots are breaking the server.. it's a bug ;)And who needs ascii anyway, all scripts I write are full of nice ansi stuff. So its a win to boot connections when they detect ascii and to do it at
What I wrote in my reply was a possible configuration option (as in someth the BBS offers, rather than using a "workaround"), which doesn't go as far the login prompt or passwords and idle timeouts. This happens as soon as y connect, the software version and copyright is displayed and then it displ the "Detecting Emulation" prompt (which this prompt can also be changed to whatever you want it to do).
Happy to hear ^^I've never had to use that switch in the 20+ years I've used Mystic.
So I imagine it's anything useful..?
Thats the thing, I am not running it :). It like Mystic runs it
itself time to time. Not a single bash script or event does anything remotely like that command.
That's definitely wierd, and something I've never heard of happening to an or had happen to me.
How are you running Mystic (daemon, server, etc)?Mystic is running as a daemon
Do you have time limits set?Yes, time limits are set for regular users
Do you have it setup to kick users/force offline when an event runs?No, no event kicks users or forces users to log.
there's a bit of nuance here. reading comprehension.. i can certainly respond to a) his first idea about dumping non ansi users and
separately, b) needing workarounds being disappointing re: his script
to completely kill/restart mystic to restore it to a state where it
will accept connections... two separate trains of thought.
you haven't really grasped what this thread is about. at all. i'm not
sure why you think you have to defend g00r00 but it's a pretty simple concept: if i can flood your server with bullshit, and it stops /functioning/ because of that (note there's a difference between *functioning* and *being unusable* .. if the flooding were to stop,
mystic SHOULD continue to FUNCTION, which it currently does not..
that's the point of this thread)
i specifically did, as the C file i posted shows. a linux daemon that
spawns the mystic binary when it receives socket connections. and the
other post you misunderstood involved determining why MIS was
spawning 'mystic' with parameters that didn't really make sense..
we'd like to know WHY MIS/mystic is failing.
who cares.. nobody is going to grovel because a48/a49 has a
regression a47 and earlier didn't have. i certainly don't respect
someone who can't take it when people report bugs
Your solution was not feasable for me. Thanks for trying though. When using the connect.mps script it actually it not a workaround imho, its launching as soon as a termtype is detected, on connect.
In fact dropping connections which have ascii connected saves my board becoming
unresponsive. Im unsure why you make such an issue out of this, while Fusion is
trying to help.
Just wow.
How are you running Mystic (daemon, server, etc)?
Mystic is running as a daemon
Do you have time limits set?
Yes, time limits are set for regular users
Do you have it setup to kick users/force offline when an event runs?
No, no event kicks users or forces users to log.
Hey fusion!
On Wed, Feb 12 2025 03:49:10 -0600, you wrote:
there's a bit of nuance here. reading comprehension.. i can certainly respond to a) his first idea about dumping non ansi users and separately, b) needing workarounds being disappointing re: his script to completely kill/restart mystic to restore it to a state where it will accept connections... two separate trains of thought.
Seems the reading comprehension was on your end, chief. I was _specificall replying to you talking about not allowing non-ansi users (even quoted it second time for you, so you would understand -- guess it didn't work), and supplied another option to do so that Mystic itself provides besides your script/workaround. I wasn't replying to his message or his problem, or the that you wrote that script because of said problem.
It was simply stating that Mystic already had an option to not allow ascii callers.
Logging into my Mystic setup when a caller connects, 'top -c' produces:
./mystic -TID6 -IP<address> -HOST<hostname> -ML0 -SIDTELNET -SL0 -ST0 -TTSYNCTERM -CUnknown
Where do you see the "-Tx" switch for forcing a time limit in there? Maybe just maybe.. some misconfiguration or misunderstanding is in play here tha should be looked into a little deeper. However, whatever it is - and somet I definitely agree with, is it shouldn't be spiking the CPU.
Your solution wasnt feasible, because using that way Mystic is already unresponsive
and doesnt drop the user. Actually we cant even connect to any node. And its not
because the nodes are busy, its because Mystic become unresponsive, completely.
Again, it might have to do with server too-- or maybe the two together. Anyway
that was the issue.
With manual drops, in whichever way works out better for me.
I think no software is 100%, our creativity and workarounds are making our lives, and indirectly the software better.
I guarantee not misconfiguration. This is running seemingly random, and I log
the high cpu jobs to my Slack channel. Its always this command, taking 99% CPU,
on random times.
Nothing in my server calls a bash script, or event which triggers this exact command. Latest occurrences: 9:04 , 5:44 , 5:18 , 4:20 , 4:06, 3:20, 00:50.
No idea at all what this could be.
Seems the reading comprehension was on your end, chief. I was 'misunderstood'
This is exactly what these bots were created for and intend to do. Flood your server until it stops functioning or is unusable. They do this to
Lastly, no clue as to where (or why) 'respect'
From the questions I wrote above, I'm just wondering if possibly when an e is triggered maybe this command is ran by MIS itself to check if a user is online, and compare it to whatever configuration settings are set.
In mystic -cfg > Configuration > General Settings:
What do you have set for "Disable Time"? If no, try setting it to yes for couple of days and see if you see that command triggered again during that
In mystic -cfg > Editors > Event Editor:
Do you have anything besides "0" under "Warning" (last option) in any of y events? If so, try setting them back to "0".
That's about all I can see that could possibly trigger something like that events come into play, or even when users are online, as far as configurat settings would go.
they have an incentive not to be a denial of service because they're
trying to find poorly configured *nix machines with weak
username/password combos. also why most of them will only make one connection at a time. if they manage to log in with a weak password
from the list they come back to use the machine they've gained access
to. they really don't want to be banned nor put the target machine
but, just as an example, normally that wouldn't be a problem with
mystic but any unknown username and a password they attempt that
happens to contain a 'y' will allow them a LOT of time to run through
a few hundred username/password combos in the new user "full name"
field (which won't hangup on you no matter how many times you don't
include a last name. including just holding enter forever)
anyways sorry for the overreaction :/
When I run ./mystic -T+ myself it just starts a local board node. I
guess its the command to open a telnet session when someone connects.
My first thought is that this is some bot/connection which tries to
connect unconventionally. Triggering something in Mystic which runs
up the cpu for a minute or two.
So I noticed the process only very occassionaly runs ar 99% for more
than 2:30 minutes. I adjusted my script to only inform me when it
goes on longer than 5:00 minutes.
Nothing triggered the script so far. I'll probably leave it like this
and only reset on the rare occurrence when it runs for too long.
On Mon, Feb 17 2025 16:37:26 -0600, you wrote:
When I run ./mystic -T+ myself it just starts a local board node. I guess its the command to open a telnet session when someone connects.
I believe the command is './mystic -T#' where "#" is a time in minutes tha whoever logging in would be limited to (even if their user account is set something higher). If something is running './mystic -T+' then you've real lost me, since that doesn't seem to be a valid parameter for that command, all.
My first thought is that this is some bot/connection which tries to connect unconventionally. Triggering something in Mystic which runs
up the cpu for a minute or two.
I'm pretty stumped on this one, to say the least. The _only_ way I can get -c' to produce that command is if I manually type './mystic -T20' or somet similar at the Linux console prompt (which means I'm actually forcing it t happen).
Also, I don't remember if you said that it only happens when a user connec not? The fact that no other commands were passed to Mystic on a regular te connection would also leave me completely confused, since usually things l '-HOST', '-IP', and '-TID' are passed on those connections.
So I noticed the process only very occassionaly runs ar 99% for more than 2:30 minutes. I adjusted my script to only inform me when it
goes on longer than 5:00 minutes.
Which script is this, connect.mps? When is this specifically ran?
Nothing triggered the script so far. I'll probably leave it like this and only reset on the rare occurrence when it runs for too long.
I wouldn't want my CPU spiked for even that long, to be honest. Why not se for like 10-20 seconds or something? I can't imagine anything else would o should spike the CPU for that long, unless something actually hangs or get stuck or something is wrong with your hardware - which you don't really wa happen anyways.
Have you by chance tried setting up a default install outside of your setu see if it happens there, too? Then you can re-introduce all of your mods/scripts one by one to see if one of them triggers either the command, the CPU spikes.No I havent, but its a good idea.
My first thought is that this is some bot/connection which tries t connect unconventionally. Triggering something in Mystic which run up the cpu for a minute or two.
Yes, thats what I feel too. Lost.
I havent figured that out completely. Is it really a connection,
because I also run some event which call ./mystic -y (script) -ppass
So I noticed the process only very occassionaly runs ar 99% for more
than 2:30 minutes. I adjusted my script to only inform me when it
goes on longer than 5:00 minutes.
Which script is this, connect.mps? When is this specifically ran?
Thats the ./mystic -T+ process wich I am referring to.
I wouldn't want my CPU spiked for even that long, to be honest. Why
not se for like 10-20 seconds or something? I can't imagine anything
else would o should spike the CPU for that long, unless something
actually hangs or get stuck or something is wrong with your hardware
- which you don't really wa happen anyways.
Well true, though Mystic runs in a docker, which is taking 100%. The
CPU of the servers goes from 3% to 14% during this time. So I am not
too worried yet.
One thing which I noticed when moving to Mystic a49 is my log files
piling up with stuff like this:
2025.02.17 22:44:56 DEBUG PyDepth=0
2025.02.17 22:44:56 DEBUG PyFree6
2025.02.17 22:44:56 DEBUG PyFree7
Like thousands of these. Even when I turn off all debugging in Mystic
CFG they keep piling up.
This might have to do with it?
Sysop: | Eric Oulashin |
Location: | Beaverton, Oregon, USA |
Users: | 108 |
Nodes: | 16 (0 / 16) |
Uptime: | 02:33:07 |
Calls: | 5,719 |
Calls today: | 4 |
Files: | 8,496 |
D/L today: |
440 files (380M bytes) |
Messages: | 338,925 |
Posted today: | 1 |