On Thursday, February 6th stizzed muttered...
Im looking for libjpeg.dll for win32 and python27. Ive
libjpeg.dll to do this. Im running the system on Windows xp, so...
https://github.com/shorthorn-project/One-Core-API-Binaries and you can use python 3.6 on Windows XP, aparently, as well as many other modern applications.
Otherwise, you need to download python as it was built for 2002, which is Python 2.2 by the way :) I remember its release well, I was just beginning to learn python at that time. Don't expect to use *any* third party packages like Pillow, you will need to be specific in downloading the Pillow project from 2002 -- Pillow was not every compiled or designed for Windows XP, you need its predecessory, PIL 1.1.6 for Python 2.2,
In any case, I'd be curous what you're actually trying to accomplish on Windows XP. If it is writing some software, I suggest to use the languages that were popular for the time, for Windows XP that's Visual C++ and Visual Basic.
I was using python on Windows then, and it was difficult *then* to do development outside of the standard library. Many third party libraries and even the python standard libraries of the time were wrappers around popular open source C libraries, which were mostly only available on Linux. Simple things like regular expressions and blowfish cipher had to be manually ported to win32 to use them.
At that time, if you wanted to use Linux software on Windows, you didn't do it with win32, you did it through cygwin. I haven't any idea the state of cygwin today, but if it still works with Windows XP that would also be a very good way to get "Python 2.7 to work".
I've been programming python since the late 90's, I enjoy it very much, but in 2002 I wrote software for Windows XP using Visual Basic and C++ for most cases. I did also write python for windows, like COM interface through python using Mark Hammond's win32 libraries, controlling Microsoft Excel or using remote access through WMI.
But I wouldn't try it today, Windows XP is frozen in time, while Python the language, community, and packaging ecosystem has evolved several versions of windows beyond, it may just be easier to use an entirely different language.
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