• Can you search Messages?

    From Mindsurfer@21:3/119 to All on Wed Sep 9 14:03:22 2020

    is there a search feature to search in messages? I dont know if i missed
    it somehow, but it seems searching is only available for files currently?


    --- MagickaBBS v0.15alpha (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: FuNToPia telnet://funtopia.ddnss.eu:2023 (21:3/119)
  • From Tiny@21:1/130 to Mindsurfer on Thu Sep 10 10:17:52 2020
    Quoting Mindsurfer to All <=-

    is there a search feature to search in messages? I dont know if i
    missed it somehow, but it seems searching is only available for files currently?

    I'm almost positive there is. I am in the woods, but when I get home
    I'll boot up my Magicka instance and look. It's currently down due to
    that computer being a bit strange. If I ever get around to it the
    plan is to move to that replacing ezy.


    ... Useless Invention: Frictionless Sandpaper.

    --- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet://tinysbbs.com:3023 (21:1/130)