• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 2141

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 9 17:52:18 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 091752
    SPC MCD 091751=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 2141
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    1251 PM CDT Wed Oct 09 2024

    Areas affected...East Central and Southeastern Florida

    Concerning...Tornado Watch 690...

    Valid 091751Z - 091915Z

    The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 690 continues.

    SUMMARY...Tornado threat to continue shifting northward over the
    next 1-2 hours.

    DISCUSSION...Ongoing supercell activity across south-central and
    southeastern Florida continues, with reports of a confirmed tornado
    near Fort Drum. A strong thermal gradient is in place across much of
    the southern Florida Peninsula, with MLCAPE around 500-2000 J/kg.
    Though the thermal profile becomes less favorable with northern
    extent, ongoing established supercells will likely continue to track
    northward and maintain organization and intensity as they move into
    highly favorable deep layer shear and southeasterly backed surface
    flow, progged to increase with the expanding wind field associated
    with Hurricane Milton. As such, the threat for tornadoes will
    continue, shifting northward over the next 1-2 hours.

    ..Thornton/Smith.. 10/09/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!9z0xecpfrTvKgzZEEMvg6h429GnuIFdUe5EVrljQKj0V4A9S83WLpETRR5m9NTsqLyoT7KWfg= kx61hA4OpDTdc7uKXs$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 27378132 27708136 27968142 28508143 28918118 28838066
    28608046 28348040 28018033 27698023 27338017 26988015
    26778025 26698046 26758078 26988118 27378132=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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