I have made a bird box camera using Raspberrypi Zero W, a NoIR camera
V2 and Motioneye software.
This works but the image quality is poor, reddish. This maybe to be
expected as there is no filter for infrared light. The frame rate is
very low. It would probably be better with a Zero 2 W as I had hoped
to get, but it seems to be almost impossible to find one
Anyway, I boght a Raspberry Pi Camera V3 Wide Noir, and this is for me
a bastard to get going, so I hope for some help.
What I have done is the following:
- Using a Raspi 2B+ for the experiment
- Installed Raspberry Pi OS 4.3
- updated and upgraded firmware and software
- enabled Legacy camera in raspi-config
- in /boot/config.txt changed a line #dtoverlay bla. bla to dtoverlay
Now the camera is recognized, but when i test it in Terminal with
command libcamera-hello, I get the following:
raspberrypi@raspberrypi:~ $ libcamera-hello
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Made X/EGL preview window
[0:02:56.515014951] [1242] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:299
libcamera v0.0.4+22-923f5d70
[0:02:56.764306317] [1255] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1476 Registered
camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx708@1a to Unicam device /dev/media3
and ISP device /dev/media0
[0:02:56.767270699] [1242] INFO Camera camera.cpp:1028 configuring
streams: (0) 2304x1296-YUV420
[0:02:56.768360754] [1255] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:851 Sensor: >/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx708@1a - Selected sensor format: >2304x1296-SBGGR10_1X10 - Selected unicam format: 2304x1296-pBAA
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): failed to import fd 21
Avbrutt (SIGABRT)
This is absolute gobbish for me, so please anyone?
Best regards
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