Those of you, that were around here a decade ago, may remember He Whose Name We Are Not Allowed To Mention, and how it was absolutely impossible to make him understand the concept of a double negative.
Well, it seems like he wasn't alone with this disability. Recently a former POTUS issued a one sentence message to all his followers, where
he actually admits to being stupid or corrupt:
"Anybody that doesn't think there wasn't
massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential
Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!"
The GOP sponsored Big Lie lives on...
The GOP sponsored Big Lie lives on...
After everyone in the world are loosing their liberties, never mind
what's going on in the US... A man who has cognitive issues is currently
in the office with policies that are destroying the US... and you pick up on a double negative...
Great work Sherlock!!!
After everyone in the world are loosing their liberties,
and you pick up on a double negative...
This episode I thought was funny, that's why I mentioned it. Also I
get the impression that it's a rather common and unique deficiency in the US part of the English speaking world.
Just waiting for the next "cereal killer" ... <ahem>
Let's Go Brandon!!!
Let's Go Brandon!!!
FYI ... except perhaps some 50 other minds like you 9in the nodelist, nobody really understands it ...
It's really bad when you need to explain a joke ...
and they still chant it during games in the US....
This episode I thought was funny, that's why I mentioned it. Also I get the impression that it's a rather common and unique deficiency in
the US part of the English speaking world.
I'm waiting for a triple negative, like "What I don't know about double negatives aint worth nothing".
No it's not.... Let's Go Brandon was the best selling Rap song on iTunes for awhile... and they still chant it during games in the US....
and they still chant it during games in the US....
Meaning the rest of the world as well? What arrogance...
Let's Go Brandon!!!
FYI ... except perhaps some 50 other minds like you 9in the nodelist, nobody really understands it ...
It's really bad when you need to explain a joke ...
No it's not.... Let's Go Brandon was the best selling Rap song on iTunes for awhile... and they still chant it during games in the US....
Odd attitude for a Canuck ....
I believe in... the right to bare arms....
There is more.... but those alone makes me not eligible to be a
Democrat or Liberal
I believe in... the right to bare arms....
Why would you bare arms ... I see no need for them to be naked ... 8-)
... but if I were to live there, I'd also have a weapon ...
There is more.... but those alone makes me not eligible to be a Democrat or Liberal
Our notion of 'left' 'right' 'democrat' 'liberal' 'socialist' is vastly different because we have no 2-party system ... it has been eons since a single party won an absolute majority, everything has to be negotiated
and compromised. It's a different way of proceeding ...
the Socialists
the Socialists
I doubt that you even know what that means.
No arrogance... watch YouTube... they chant it all over the world....
Recently I saw France protesters shouting Eph Joe Biden when they were passing the US consulate. The Eph Joe Biden / Lets Go Branden is a catchy jingle.
Could be that Australians have no interest in Biden - or anyone called Branden. They have enough issues with their own pollies and sports
Meaning the rest of the world as well? What arrogance...
I do know what it means... and just because you live in Europe doesn't mean you have all the rights on that word... BTW, there is a thing
called a dictionary...
Right. So you have a dictionary and that makes you know all you need
to know? Well, I lived it for more than 73 years.
I guess that you either:
( ) Suffer from the Dunning-Krüger syndrome.
( ) Are totally without empathy for the weak in your society.
( ) Have no family, ergo does not give a shit about free childcare, parental leave, education, healthcare or control of prescription drug prices.
Why not leave e.g. prisons and the military to the corporations to handle? Wait, you already do that...
better health care system... In Canada you can die waiting for a government funded procedure where as you can get.. My father waited over
a year for bi-pass surgery, Canada, whereas my mother-in-law waited 2 days, the US.
With all its flaws it's still one of the best places going...
better health care system... In Canada you can die waiting for a government funded procedure where as you can get.. My father waited o a year for bi-pass surgery, Canada, whereas my mother-in-law waited 2 days, the US.
Last year 2000 people died in Canada waiting for a surgery. In that
same time 26,000 died in the US because they couldn't afford the care. Which number is the bigger problem?
And thats excluding the fact that many of those who DID get treatment in the US paid for it out of pocket and are in debt (some for life) because of it.
Neither system is perfect, but there is really no comparison here. My roommate who was also one of my closest friends died from Sepsis because he couldn't afford the hospital costs in the US. If we lived in just about any other first world country he would still be alive.
With all its flaws it's still one of the best places going...
No one really says that and means it, because its demonstatably false in almost every category: or-2021-reflecting-poorly
To save you the trip:
Key Findings: The top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The United States ranks last overall,
despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency,
equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process.
Last year 2000 people died in Canada waiting for a surgery. In that same time
6,000 died in the US because they couldn't afford the care. Which number is t
bigger problem?
Meaning the rest of the world as well? What arrogance...
Is iTunes only a US thing?
One off the problems people don't people outside of the US have a hard
time understanding in the US constitution...
With all its flaws it's still one of the best places going...
There is nothing wrong with paying... My in-laws paid $2,500 bucks, the maximum deductible for any given year. They were dealt with in a timely manner, whereas my father was left waiting.
Nothing is free.... If I bought you a coffee it wasn't free it still
cost money.... There is health care in the US, FOR THE MOST PART, not funded by the government. I lived in both Canada and the US and the US
That's what gets me of all these people clamoring for "free stuff".
Björn Felten wrote to Daryl Stout <=-
That's what gets me of all these people clamoring for "free stuff".
In 2018 Norway (with the world's best healthcare) spent 10.05%
of its GDP on their free healthcare. USA spent 16.89% of its GDP
on a not very free one. That's a whopping $11k per capita. Hows
that for not getting your moneys worth?
60% of all personal bankruptcies in the US are caused by
medical bills. 0% in *any* European country.
Could be that Australians have no interest in Biden - or anyone called
Branden. They have enough issues with their own pollies and sports
Wut? No interesting stories about Kylie Minogue ?
Didn't bother fact-checking your claims, but..... whatever.
Speaking for roughly HALF of the USA, we like it that way. It's far preferable to living under the heel of a socialist/commie master government.
We don't want that shit here.
Didn't bother fact-checking your claims, but..... whatever.
Wut? No interesting stories about Kylie Minogue ?
Kylie left Aussie decades ago for the high life in UK.
I think she recently returned, a decrepit old lady.
Wut? No interesting stories about Kylie Minogue ?
Kylie left Aussie decades ago for the high life in UK.
I think she recently returned, a decrepit old lady.
I've never been into females parading a stage with ostrich feathers up their arse ...
Kylie left Aussie decades ago for the high life in UK.
I think she recently returned, a decrepit old lady.
I've never been into females parading a stage with ostrich feathers DD>WD> up their arse ...
Is THAT how she attached them?
Dan Clough wrote to Bj÷rn Felten <=-
Speaking for roughly HALF of the USA, we like it that way. It's far preferable to living under the heel of a socialist/commie master government. We don't want that shit here.
Kurt Weiske wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Dan Clough wrote to Bj÷rn Felten <=-
Speaking for roughly HALF of the USA, we like it that way. It's far preferable to living under the heel of a socialist/commie master government. We don't want that shit here.
Here's the other half speaking. The health of a country's
population shouldn't be a FOR-PROFIT VENTURE.
What irks me is having to pay for others; those
that through either laziness or dishonesty, contribute *NOTHING* in return, either to their own healthcare, or society in general.
Well, that's your half's opinion, anyway. Honestly I can't say that I completely disagree. What irks me is having to pay for others; those that through either laziness or dishonesty, contribute *NOTHING* in return, either to their own healthcare, or society in general.
Bj÷rn Felten wrote to Dan Clough <=-
When you let the lawmakers make millions in bribes (renamed
donations) per year, while perpetuating the 50yo totally debunked
"triple down" Reagan idea, giving tax break after tax break to the
wealthy and corporations, while maintaining an ever decreasing lowering
of the lower and middle class families income, you seriously think that it's laziness or dishonesty that causes them not to be able to even
afford proper health care?
Yeees man, what reality are you living in? Do you still think that
you actually *save* money on your present health care? Don't you
believe me when I say that the US tax payers spend 50% more of their taxes, than what those enjoying the best universal health care in the world do, on that corrupt system of yours?
rest of the world is, that your tax money is paid to big corporations rather than to the the actual health care system. Once again, "trickle down"...
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Let's Go Brandon!!!
No it's not.... Let's Go Brandon was the best selling Rap song on iTunes
for awhile... and they still chant it during games in the US....
Odd attitude for a Canuck ....
Conservatives are everywhere.... And I am a dual citizen... I lean more American than Canadian. I believe in small government. Individual
rights and freedoms... Individual responsibilites.... Oh ya.... and the right to bare arms....
There is more.... but those alone makes me not eligible to be a
Democrat or Liberal
I pay a fraction of what my employer contributes to my health insurance premiums. If you took a portion of that money as taxes to fund medicare for all, implemented a single-payer single-price system for prescription drugs, provided coverage for those previously uninsured and removed the out of pocket costs, we'd be in better shape as a country.
Less emergency room visits. Prophylactic and preventative care. Better mental health as a whole. More money to spend (government and personal) on non-healthcare items like consumer spending and infrastructure.
That scares the bejeezus out of the health care industry, and they've got immense lobbying power.
Hey, look over there, there's illegal immigrants coming in to take your job! Getting free health care that *you* pay for!
Again, to my point, health care of the body politic shouldn't be a FOR PROFIT ENTERPRISE.
I pay $90 per week (due to my age) ($4680 a year) ...
Whenever I visit my general practitioner, my insurance company requires
me to pay $55 dollars for each.
I have to pay for prescriptions after a $2500 per year deductible.
Let’s go Brandon!
If we could separate out the Bay Area, LA, and the central coast, California would be a very conservative state. I could do like some of my friends and relatives and leave, including my niece and son. They are much, much happier now.
It’s better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six.
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't bring their ideology with them...
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't
bring their ideology with them...
The population of California has declined in only one year in the past
122 years. It grew 6.5% between 2010 and 2020. Its the largest economy
in the US and the most productive state in the country. On its own it would be a top 5 economy in the world.
... and less people in the
rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
James Coyle wrote to IB Joe <=-
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't
bring their ideology with them...
The population of California has declined in only one year in the
past 122 years. It grew 6.5% between 2010 and 2020.
The idea that California is doing bad and people are leaving in
droves is a political propaganda thing. It regularly outgrows
the US averages of all other states in many positive categories.
With that said things like immigation numbers and birthrates have declined. Less and less people are having children and less
people in the rest of the world view America as a place they want
to immigrate to.
Ward Dossche wrote to James Coyle <=-
... and less people in the
rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't br their ideology with them...
Californians are ruining Montana ...
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't bring their ideology with them...
The population of California has declined in only one year in the past
122 years. It grew 6.5% between 2010 and 2020. Its the largest economy in the US and the most productive state in the country. On its own it would be a top 5 economy in the world.
The idea that California is doing bad and people are leaving in droves
is a political propaganda thing. It regularly outgrows the US averages
of all other states in many positive categories.
With that said things like immigation numbers and birthrates have declined. Less and less people are having children and less people in
the rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
... and less people in the
rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
What's stopping you from doing that?
Perhaps it did grow from 2010 to 2020. That's two-year old data.
This article says something different:
See article above. There are plenty more that say the same thing. It also bests many US averages in many NEGATIVE categories.
When's the last time you turned on the news and caught up with current events?
Ward Dossche wrote to Dan Clough <=-
... and less people in the
rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
What's stopping you from doing that?
I have a grandchild I'm committed to raising ... no father,
dysfunctional mother ...
James Coyle wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Perhaps it did grow from 2010 to 2020. That's two-year old data.
It did. It grew 121 out of the last 122 years. The next line
you said doesn't even make sense in this context.
This article says something different:
No it doesn't.
It says the entire US population dropped because young people are
less interested in having children, corona, etc.
It doesn't talk
at all about regulations or politics or that people are flocking specifically from California because of it.
See article above. There are plenty more that say the same thing. It also bests many US averages in many NEGATIVE categories.
Nope, it doesn't say any of that you're just making up whatever
you want to be true and saying it at this point.
When's the last time you turned on the news and caught up with current events?
This is another sentence that really doesn't make any sense in
the context of the conversation.
In any case, I won't be responding to you anymore because its
very clear everything you're doing is in bad faith. People who
do that aren't worth the time.
I think you're drinking the Kool Aide... California will be loosing
house seats because of the how many people are leaving. What you
companies are leaving as well. Other states, like Texas, have better regulations and taxes... who wouldn't leave.
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
What's stopping you from doing that?
I have a grandchild I'm committed to raising ... no father,
dysfunctional mother ...
Ahhhhh. Well that's a pretty good reason. Good on you.
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
What's stopping you from doing that?
I have a grandchild I'm committed to raising ... no father,
dysfunctional mother ...
Montana is not a good place to raise a child?
Ward Dossche wrote to Dan Clough <=-
If I could, I would be living in Montana...
What's stopping you from doing that?
I have a grandchild I'm committed to raising ... no father,
dysfunctional mother ...
Ahhhhh. Well that's a pretty good reason. Good on you.
Thank you sir. My granddaughter is my life, she gave me the
strength last year to survive the Covid-hospital stay as there
was nobody on the horizon to take proper care of her. My only
thought when I had plastic-clad dwarfs around me was "who'll take
care of her and get her through school?" I guess it takes a
grandparent to really understand that ...
James Coyle wrote to IB Joe <=-
I think you're drinking the Kool Aide... California will be loosing
house seats because of the how many people are leaving. What you
The decline in young people having children, the decline in
immigation, and the decline in other countries opinion of the USA
are undisputable facts. I don't operate on emotion or a
political side, just data. This doesn't align with the things
you wish were true, so you don't like it.
Population growth is down across the US, period. And when that
happens then clearly the most populated states will see the
largest number because a .1% loss is a LOT more people in a state
with 40 million population than it is in a state of 400,000
population. Its not political, its a country-wide trend and
middle school math.
companies are leaving as well. Other states, like Texas, have better regulations and taxes... who wouldn't leave.
That does happen, for sure.
Businesses from everywhere will sometimes setup shop in states
where they can avoid taxes or regulations. It happens a lot in Pennsylvania to Delaware too, with Delaware so close by.
Those are not "better taxes" or "better regulations" for ANYONE
except the company though. The reason they do that is so they
can avoid regulations that PROTECT CONSUMERS and cost them more
money. Like avoiding health safety standards for food, chemical
use, or environmental pollution...
Its very important that they manipulate as many consumers as they
can and thats why they spend billions in lobbying and propaganda.
They can make more money avoiding these regulations and taxes
while providing you an inferior product and you'll actually
DEFEND them doing it (like you are).
You're less likely to get food or a product that will make you
sick or destroy 7your land if it came from California than some
other areas, because California won't let these assholes take
advantage of the public as much as other areas.
If you want to see an example of this, just look at the power
crisis in Texas that killed hundreds of people and left millions
in the cold without heat or power...
That happened because the removed themselves from the grid to
avoid regulations. They ignore reports saying it was going to
happen and they ignored regulations that would make sure it
couldn't. The CEOs lined their pockets with higher salaries that otherwise would have had to be spent on infrastruct to protect
the public. The result was that hundreds died and millions
suffered, half of them probably cheering them on because they're
duped by their lobbying/political propaganda. "Shooting
themselves in the foot" as some say...
Pretty much every single word of that is a lie.
People are leaving NY and California in droves... I hope they don't bring their ideology with them...
The population of California has declined in only one year in the past
122 years. It grew 6.5% between 2010 and 2020. Its the largest economy
in the US and the most productive state in the country. On its own it
would be a top 5 economy in the world.
The idea that California is doing bad and people are leaving in droves is
a political propaganda thing. It regularly outgrows the US averages of
all other states in many positive categories.
With that said things like immigation numbers and birthrates have
declined. Less and less people are having children and less people in the rest of the world view America as a place they want to immigrate to.
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