ELST~JFY.ZIP 140 Kb. Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly
Magic request: ECHOLIST
Hi Vince,
On 2022-09-19 08:00:02, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
ELST~JFY.ZIP 140 Kb. Zip'd echo lists archive created
Magic request: ECHOLIST
Maybe intentional? But the FILE_ID.DIZ was missing from the zip files
I received today...
EL220930.ZIP 141 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Hi Elistmaint,
On 2022-10-01 08:00:02, you wrote to All:
EL220930.ZIP 141 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Elist v5.4.006 EchoList Database Report Group:FIDO
As of 30th September 2022 23:30:02.13
{ 10 records with Warnings reported }
How are Warnings counted and reported on in the .RPT file?
I count only 3 areas with a " WARNING CNT ..." line in the above
EL221015.ZIP 143 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Hi Vince,
On 2022-10-17 08:00:02, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
EL221015.ZIP 143 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Have you noticed the double printing of email addresses on a lot of
the areas?
Like this:
TAGname: Z2REGION25 Group: FIDO
TITLe: Zone 2 Region 25 Conference for all Nodes and invited guests
From: Vincent Coen, 2:250/1
Email: vbcoen@gmail.com
Email: vbcoen@gmail.com
Hi Vince,
On 2022-10-17 08:00:02, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
EL221015.ZIP 143 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Have you noticed the double printing of email addresses on a lot of
the areas?
Like this:
TAGname: Z2REGION25 Group: FIDO
TITLe: Zone 2 Region 25 Conference for all Nodes and invited guests
From: Vincent Coen, 2:250/1
Email: vbcoen@gmail.com
Email: vbcoen@gmail.com
Area ECHOLIST - Fido - Echolist --------------------------------------------------------------------- ELST2301.ZIP 209 Kb. This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist^ lower case?
archive for the Fidonet network.
it includes complete information of all
Hi Vince,My announcements for all such areas are processed after 07:00 GMT.
On 2023-01-03 09:00:01, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
Area ECHOLIST - Fido - Echolist^ lower case?
----- ELST2301.ZIP 209 Kb. This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly
archive for the Fidonet network.
it includes complete information of all
Furthermore I noticed a few things, that might be intentional or not?
- This annoucement message always arrives a day after the file it
- BACKBONE.NA now contains the FSX_ areas. - BACKBONE.RPT now
contains the "Rules Content:" section for some areas. :-( - Some more entries in the BACKBONE.RPT file have the strange dates. (e.g.:
0015/41/03) - BACKBONE.RPT also has the FSX_ areas. - ELIST.NA has the identical content as BACKBONE.NA. - ELIST.RPT has almost the identical content as BACKBONE.RPT. - FSXNET.RPT reports at the bottom about
fidonet areas.
Bye, Wilfred.
Hi Vince,
On 2023-01-03 09:00:01, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
Area ECHOLIST - Fido - Echolist^ lower case?
----- ELST2301.ZIP 209 Kb. This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly
archive for the Fidonet network.
it includes complete information of all
Furthermore I noticed a few things, that might be intentional or not?
contains the "Rules Content:" section for some areas.
- This annoucement message always arrives a day after the file itMy announcements for all such areas are processed after 07:00 GMT.
- BACKBONE.NA now contains the FSX_ areas. - BACKBONE.RPT now
contains the "Rules Content:" section for some areas. :-( - Some more
entries in the BACKBONE.RPT file have the strange dates. (e.g.:
0015/41/03) - BACKBONE.RPT also has the FSX_ areas. - ELIST.NA has the
identical content as BACKBONE.NA. - ELIST.RPT has almost the identical
content as BACKBONE.RPT. - FSXNET.RPT reports at the bottom about
fidonet areas.
This is wrong, so need to look what the last changes made that effect this as am sure it was not doing so previously.
Thanks for the report.
I will try and do it today or failing that Wednesday.
contains the "Rules Content:" section for some areas.
The rules are posted twice a year - January and July ONLY but echo's that are updated do have them posted in ELIST as part of the announcements. I did consider not doing so for the announcements but I wanted to
remind moderators of their over extended size and un-needed information :)
Falls on deaf ears any way by the look of it.
EL230110.ZIP 140 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Hi Vince,
On 2023-01-11 09:00:01, Elistmaint at 2:25/21 Pi wrote to All:
EL230110.ZIP 140 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
This one reports this at the bottom:
{ 43 records with Warnings reported }
# grep WARNING ELIST.RPT | wc -l
EL230110.ZIP 140 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
This one reports this at the bottom:
{ 43 records with Warnings reported }
# grep WARNING ELIST.RPT | wc -l
cat ELIST.RPT | grep WARNING | wc -l
Ditto for BACKBONE.RPT so it should be 38, I will take a look at the code Thanks for the bug report.
I will have to make a decision on the way it is computed any way as it looks like counting for all reports but the count then should be 38.
Hi Vincent,
On 2023-01-11 14:37:47, you wrote to me:
EL230110.ZIP 140 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
This one reports this at the bottom:
{ 43 records with Warnings reported }
# grep WARNING ELIST.RPT | wc -l
cat ELIST.RPT | grep WARNING | wc -l
Ditto for BACKBONE.RPT so it should be 38, I will take a look at
the code Thanks for the bug report.
I will have to make a decision on the way it is computed any way
as it looks like counting for all reports but the count then
should be 38.
I think it should only mention the number in ELIST.RPT. The ones in ELIST.RPT and BACKBONE.RPT are probably the same areas with warnings anyway...
Bye, Wilfred.
System name Elist Control
Sysop Elistmaint (elist@gmail.com)
Location Hatfield, UK
Remark The Elist Maintain Co-Ordinator
Network aka 2:25/21@fidonet
Internet applewood.linkpc.net
Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-armv7l
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------- Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area ECHOLIST - Fido - Echolist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL230207.ZIP 143 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
System name Elist Control
Sysop Elistmaint (elist@gmail.com)
Location Hatfield, UK
Remark The Elist Maintain Co-Ordinator
Network aka 2:25/21@fidonet
Internet applewood.linkpc.net
Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-armv7l
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- --------------------
------------------------- Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000
Area ECHOLIST - Fido - Echolist
----- EL230207.ZIP 143 Kb. This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
This ensures that for those Sysop's that wish to keep up to date for
the file BACKBONE.NA can do so as this file is useful to auto update
their Echo areas when any downlinks request any and this allows their system to automatically deal with the request without any Sysop intervention.
Hi Vincent,
On 2023-02-09 13:22:23, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
This ensures that for those Sysop's that wish to keep up to date
for the file BACKBONE.NA can do so as this file is useful to auto
update their Echo areas when any downlinks request any and this
allows their system to automatically deal with the request
without any Sysop intervention.
You know there is (or used to be) a file area just for this purpose: BACKBONE (However the last BACKBONE.NA I received in there was in
If you used that one for the daily updates, you can keep the ECHOLIST
area "clean" with just monthly updates. And people have a choice what
they want to receive and use.
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
You not reading the posts here ?
Any updates to the elist system are noted and at 23:30 each evening that such updates occur that change description or title as well as new entries generate a new On-Demand archive.
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
This ensures that for those Sysop's that wish to keep up to date
for the file BACKBONE.NA can do so as this file is useful to auto
update their Echo areas when any downlinks request any and this
allows their system to automatically deal with the request
without any Sysop intervention.
You know there is (or used to be) a file area just for this purpose:
BACKBONE (However the last BACKBONE.NA I received in there was in
If you used that one for the daily updates, you can keep the ECHOLIST
area "clean" with just monthly updates. And people have a choice what
they want to receive and use.
The created archive contains amonst other files up to date copies of : BACKBONE.NA - Full list of ALL echo's available via the Fidonet network
BACKBONE.RPT - Full lists of the same with all details as a report ELIST.NA - Ditto but only for moderated echo's.
plus any other network files of similar types.
The previously last BACKBONE.NA was used as a reference to help build the system in 2019.
All this is reported within the help files supplied.
You not reading the posts here ?Yes, I do but that does not answer the question.
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
Any updates to the elist system are noted and at 23:30 each evening
that such updates occur that change description or title as well as
new entries generate a new On-Demand archive.
It is great that you are maintaing the echo list, and I appreciate
There are likely changes to the echo list all the time but I think it
is enough to publish a new echo list once a month, as it has always
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
You not reading the posts here ?
Yes, I do but that does not answer the question.
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
Any updates to the elist system are noted and at 23:30 each evening
that such updates occur that change description or title as well as
new entries generate a new On-Demand archive.
It is great that you are maintaing the echo list, and I appreciate
There are likely changes to the echo list all the time but I think it
is enough to publish a new echo list once a month, as it has always
Hi Vincent,
On 2023-02-09 17:28:07, you wrote to me:
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
This ensures that for those Sysop's that wish to keep up to
date for the file BACKBONE.NA can do so as this file is useful
to auto update their Echo areas when any downlinks request any
and this allows their system to automatically deal with the
request without any Sysop intervention.
You know there is (or used to be) a file area just for this
purpose: BACKBONE (However the last BACKBONE.NA I received in
there was in 2019)
If you used that one for the daily updates, you can keep the
ECHOLIST area "clean" with just monthly updates. And people have a
choice what they want to receive and use.
The created archive contains amonst other files up to date copies
of : BACKBONE.NA - Full list of ALL echo's available via the
Fidonet network BACKBONE.RPT - Full lists of the same with all
details as a report ELIST.NA - Ditto but only for
moderated echo's. ELIST.RPT - Ditto
plus any other network files of similar types.
The previously last BACKBONE.NA was used as a reference to help
build the system in 2019.
All this is reported within the help files supplied.
I know. But your argument was they were usefull for automatic
processing. Only the *.NA files are. So you don't have to hatch the
complete archive every time a minuscule change takes place. A monthly frequency is fine for the .RPT files...
Or if you don't agree, perhaps create separate file areas for the
monthly and daily files, so people can choose.
Hello Alan!
09 Feb 23 10:01, you wrote to Vincent Coen:
You not reading the posts here ?
Yes, I do but that does not answer the question.
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
Yes he is. I'm seriously considering dropping that area due to them
being sent out every day.
Any updates to the elist system are noted and at 23:30 each
evening that such updates occur that change description or title
as well as new entries generate a new On-Demand archive.
It is great that you are maintaing the echo list, and I
appreciate that.
There are likely changes to the echo list all the time but I
think it is enough to publish a new echo list once a month, as it
has always been.
The list really dosn't change on a daily basis, unless a update is
sent in. Vince should be then holding the hatching to min once a week.
Even once a month would be enough.
The created archive contains amonst other files up to date copies of : BACKBONE.NA - Full list of ALL echo's available via the Fidonet network BACKBONE.RPT - Full lists of the same with all details as a report
Are you hatching a new echo list every day?
Yes he is. I'm seriously considering dropping that area due to them being sent out every day.
The list really dosn't change on a daily basis, unless a update is sent in. Vince should be then holding the
hatching to min once a week. Even once a month would be enough.
There are likely changes to the echo list all the time but I think it
is enough to publish a new echo list once a month, as it has always
It is done ONCE every day that there are additions or significant changes to the database by way of MOD-ADD or-UPD.
I was doing it monthly but my system was being requested for new ones that had not been sent via the monthly archive so it is also done on-demand.
If you have no use for them, then just ignore the dailies.
I have found them useful but there again I am a echo hub.
Or if you don't agree, perhaps create separate file areas for the
monthly and daily files, so people can choose.
You can, just extract the files you are interested in and ignore the rest although if you run a bbs you might want the rules content and when usage of the descriptions start appearing tat as well.
Yes I did consider weekly and for a while did so but there was a wee
batch of new changes over some days last year so changed the code to create a new archive is any changes occurred between 00:30 and 23:30
and sent just the ONE file.
Hi Vincent,
On 2023-02-10 01:25:27, you wrote to Stephen Walsh:
Yes I did consider weekly and for a while did so but there was a
wee batch of new changes over some days last year so changed the
code to create a new archive is any changes occurred between
00:30 and 23:30 and sent just the ONE file.
What happens if a change occurs between 23:30 and 00:30 ?
I will be looking at the code to see why there is so many updates going out in the on-demand archives.
It should not be so frequent, it is possibly there is a coding error for what is changed.
It was for the following changes :
1. A new echo created.
2. A echo for which a change to the Title has been made.
3. A echo for which a change to the description has been made.
On 10 Feb 2023 at 02:43p, Vincent Coen pondered and said...
I will be looking at the code to see why there is so many updates
going out in the on-demand archives.
It should not be so frequent, it is possibly there is a coding
error for what is changed.
It was for the following changes :
1. A new echo created.
2. A echo for which a change to the Title has been made.
3. A echo for which a change to the description has been made.
I did 3 the other day and sent an update in for FSX_NET ... so perhaps
that triggered something, I think it should have or at least
understand it would have?
Sysop: | Eric Oulashin |
Location: | Beaverton, Oregon, USA |
Users: | 91 |
Nodes: | 16 (0 / 16) |
Uptime: | 11:01:01 |
Calls: | 5,074 |
Calls today: | 6 |
Files: | 8,491 |
Messages: | 352,828 |