• [20 of 34] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wed Sep 18 06:00:16 2024
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ANNOUNCE.024 File announcements fr 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 0 3
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 WEATHER Messages from the nat 2 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 AL.CHRISTNET.BIBLEPassthru area added 0 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALABAMA.TEST Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ABORTION The ongoing abortion 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ABUSE.RECOVERYalt.abuse.recovery 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM General non-specific 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.D Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.DEATHNice forum to discuss 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ACTIVISM.DRUG-Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ALCOHOL Alcoholic drinks 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ANONYMOUS.MESSThe infamous anonymou 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ASTRONOMY alt.astronomy 19 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ATHEISM Praying that there is 68 94
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.AUTOS.SUBARU alt.autos.subaru 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.AUTOS.VOLVO Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BBS alt.bbs 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BBS.ADS 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BBS.DOORS alt.bbs.doors 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BBS.MYSTIC alt.bbs.mystic 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BIBLE General bible discuss 38 14
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BIBLE.PROPHECYBible prophecies 2 8
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.BUDDHA.SHORT.F 12 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CALIFORNIA 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CENSORSHIP 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHECKMATE Chess discussions I t 22 77
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET alt.christnet 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.BIBLalt.christnet.bible 6 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIalt.christnet.christi 35 24
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIPassthru area added 0 3 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.EVANalt.christnet.evangel 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.NUDIPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.PHILalt.christnet.philoso 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.PRAYalt.christnet.prayer 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CHRISTNET.THEOalt.christnet.theolog 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.FREEWARE alt.comp.freeware 4 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWArea automatically ad 4 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.COMP.OS.WINDOWalt.comp.os.windows-1 12 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.COMPUTER.WORKSComputer workshop cha 102 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.CONSPIRACY How big is your tinfo 9 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DE.TEST alt.de.test 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DISCRIMINATIONPassthru area added 0 2 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.ABUSE Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.BENZOS Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.COCAINE Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.HEROIN Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.LSD Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.METH Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.MUSHROOMArea automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.POT alt.drugs.pot 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRUGS.POT.CULTArea automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DRWHO.CREATIVEWeirdo Dr. Who fanfic 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.DSS.HACK Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.ENGLISH.USAGE Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.COUNTRIES.Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.HEINLEIN Heinlein 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.JAI-MAHARAPassthru area 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FAN.RUSH-LIMBAFans of Rush Limbaugh 154 91
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FLAME.JESUS.CHBut... wasn't he a ca 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FOOD.FAST-FOODalt.food.fast-food 3 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FREE.NEWSSERVEPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.FUN alt.fun 14 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.GAMES.MICROSOFPassthru area added 0 0 3396
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.GAMES.WARCRAFTPassthru area 0 3396
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.GLOBAL-WARMINGPassthru area added 0 6 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.HAPPY.VALLEY Not sure... uhh, abou 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.HEALTH Everyone's an Interne 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.HEMP Passthru area 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.HOLLYWOOD alt.hollywood 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.HOME.REPAIR Home repairs and reno 27 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.IDIOTS Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.JOBS Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.JOBS.OFFERED Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.JOURNALISM Journalism and practi 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.JOURNALISM.CRIPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.LANGUAGE.LATINPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.LAW-ENFORCEMENPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.LIFE.SUCKS Life sucks and then y 0 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.MESSIANIC alt.messianic 1 3
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.MILITARY alt.military 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.NEWS-MEDIA alt.news-media 0 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.NL.TAAL.CRYPTOPassthru area added 0 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.OS.LINUX alt.os.linux 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.OS.LINUX.DEBIAalt.os.linux.debian 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.OS.LINUX.MINT alt.os.linux.mint 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.OS.LINUX.SLACKalt.os.linux.slackwar 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.OS.LINUX.SUSE alt.os.linux.suse 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.PARTY 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.PHILOSOPHY.TAOArea automatically ad 8 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 3:712/848 ALT.POLITICS General politics chat 20 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sun Sep 29 06:19:04 2024
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 20
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 32
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 12
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 20
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 32
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 20
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 32
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 20
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 32
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 6 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 5
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 2:460/58 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)