• Determining the last read messages in the mail sub

    From Khelair@VERT/TINFOIL to All on Tue Aug 11 12:04:16 2015
    Just a restatement of what I had asked in IRC:
    10:55 < khelair> msg_area.sub["mail"] is not a preferred method of accessing
    what the last_msg or last_read pointer might be for the mail
    sub, is it?
    11:07 < khelair> would I be correct in assuming that the Mail sub, in the
    standard shell, utilizes the applicable message header
    attributes to glean where the unread ones are at?

    though I misphrased it pretty poorly at the beginning. What I meant to say was 'If msg_area.sub["mail"] is not a potential method of accessing the last_msg or last_read pointers, then would I be correct in assuming that the mail sub, in the standard shell, utilizes applicable message header attributes to clean where the unread ones are at?



    Borg Burgers: We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.
    ■ Synchronet ■ Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS telnet://tinfoil.synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Khelair on Tue Aug 11 21:34:30 2015
    Re: Determining the last read messages in the mail sub
    By: Khelair to All on Tue Aug 11 2015 12:04 pm

    Just a restatement of what I had asked in IRC:
    10:55 < khelair> msg_area.sub["mail"] is not a preferred method of accessing
    what the last_msg or last_read pointer might be for the mail
    sub, is it?

    No. "mail" is not a sub-board and mail does not have the concept of a 'last read' pointer.

    11:07 < khelair> would I be correct in assuming that the Mail sub, in the
    standard shell, utilizes the applicable message header
    attributes to glean where the unread ones are at?

    The attributes (stored in each message header) is how you determine which mail message has been read by the recipient and which have not.

    though I misphrased it pretty poorly at the beginning. What I meant to say was 'If msg_area.sub["mail"] is not a potential method of accessing the last_msg or last_read pointers, then would I be correct in assuming that the mail sub, in the standard shell, utilizes applicable message header attributes to clean where the unread ones are at?

    There are no "pointers" for the mail message base.

    digital man

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