• Possible bug with bbs.post_msg()

    From Nightfox to Digital Man on Fri Oct 7 23:44:09 2011
    Hi DM -

    I think I may have found a bug with the bbs object's post_msg() method. If you pass in a reply header whose "from" property is a blank string, sbbsctrl will crash. I found this in a script I have that lists messages in a sub-board and allows the user to select one to read and optionally reply to it. I'm using the daily build from September 20.

    There's a message that was posted in the Synchronet Discussion sub on Dove-Net today (October 7) that has a blank "from" name. My script gets a message header from MsgBase.get_msg_header(), and in this case, it's "from" name was blank; if I select to reply to the message, my script then passes that message header object to bbs.post_msg() (as the 3rd parameter), and at that point, my sbbsctrl would crash. I tried it several times to verify the crash and was able to reproduce it each time.

    My workaround was to make sure the "from" name in the header is set to something if it's blank - I set it to "All" in that case. Then, when I pass the header object to bbs.post_msg(), "All" becomes the default "To" name for
    my reply, and sbbsctrl doesn't crash.

  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to Nightfox on Sat Oct 8 02:33:24 2011
    Re: Possible bug with bbs.post_msg()
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Fri Oct 07 2011 11:44 pm

    Subject: Possible bug with bbs.post_msg()
    @MSGID: <4E8FF139.1151.sync_js@digitaldistortionbbs.com>
    @TZ: c1e0
    Hi DM -

    I think I may have found a bug with the bbs object's post_msg() method. If pass in a reply header whose "from" property is a blank string, sbbsctrl wil crash. I found this in a script I have that lists messages in a sub-board a allows the user to select one to read and optionally reply to it. I'm using the daily build from September 20.

    There's a message that was posted in the Synchronet Discussion sub on Dove-N today (October 7) that has a blank "from" name. My script gets a message header from MsgBase.get_msg_header(), and in this case, it's "from" name was blank; if I select to reply to the message, my script then passes that messa header object to bbs.post_msg() (as the 3rd parameter), and at that point, m sbbsctrl would crash. I tried it several times to verify the crash and was able to reproduce it each time.

    My workaround was to make sure the "from" name in the header is set to something if it's blank - I set it to "All" in that case. Then, when I pass the header object to bbs.post_msg(), "All" becomes the default "To" name for my reply, and sbbsctrl doesn't crash.


    even I work with java. err and pizza.

    "Practise safe Lunch, Use a Condiment"

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Nightfox on Tue Oct 11 18:09:15 2011
    Re: Possible bug with bbs.post_msg()
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Fri Oct 07 2011 11:44 pm

    Hi DM -

    I think I may have found a bug with the bbs object's post_msg() method. If you pass in a reply header whose "from" property is a blank string,
    sbbsctrl will crash. I found this in a script I have that lists messages
    in a sub-board and allows the user to select one to read and optionally reply to it. I'm using the daily build from September 20.

    There's a message that was posted in the Synchronet Discussion sub on Dove-Net today (October 7) that has a blank "from" name. My script gets a message header from MsgBase.get_msg_header(), and in this case, it's "from" name was blank; if I select to reply to the message, my script then passes that message header object to bbs.post_msg() (as the 3rd parameter), and at that point, my sbbsctrl would crash. I tried it several times to verify
    the crash and was able to reproduce it each time.

    My workaround was to make sure the "from" name in the header is set to something if it's blank - I set it to "All" in that case. Then, when I
    pass the header object to bbs.post_msg(), "All" becomes the default "To" name for my reply, and sbbsctrl doesn't crash.

    Okay, I've added this bug report to the to-do list.

    digital man

    Synchronet "Real Fact" #32:
    The Synchronet web user interface was contributed by Robert Couture, Runemaster.

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