• Re: Doors sandbox mode..

    From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Shane O'Neill on Sun Sep 5 10:51:22 2021
    On 7/23/2021 3:31 PM, Shane O'Neill wrote:
    I got my infocom games working for the most part with DOORWAY under synchronet so that is a step forward for me.

    Now I want to setup a sandbox type environment for each infocom game so when a
    user saves the game they are playing the data is stored in their own user folder. So the next time they play they can load that saved game and not someone else's.

    LOL, I guess disregard my previous message... I'm guessing this is
    already answered and working for you by the time I get through more
    recent messages.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    ■ Synchronet ■ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com