Hey guys i finally found a telnet client that emulates DH fairly well. It's called mocha telnet. i can actually read everything without a jumbled mess of question marks and i can seewhat I'm writing in a proper window.
Wow! New discoveries occur everyday in BBS land. Why somone would want to connect to a BBS with a cell phone is beyond me but to each his own I guess.
Several years ago, when I had an iPod Touch, I found a client app for iOS (called
iSSH) which has great BBS-compatible ANSI emulation, and I used it to connect to
my BBS a few times. It worked fairly well, but due to the small screen size and
touch keyboard overlay, I didn't connect to my BBS that way very often. I would
only want to connect via cell phone in a pinch, and even that is fairly rare. Maybe if I was out and about and bored while waiting for something and really wanted to check messages on my BBS - but for messages, I think the web interface
works better than a telnet interface on a cell phone.