The fan alternates between 0 and 2900 RPMs now - 350 RPMs less. it's a lot quieter, and I suspect I'll get better battery life, too.
Open the system up, accidentally strip one of the screws. Find a spare
screw I pulled from a dead Thinkpad, proceed. go at the CPU fan with a toothbrush and canned air. Some dust, not too much built up. I've seen worse.
Go into the BIOS and check the rev - I've got the newest. Reset to
defaults, and UH OH.
1802 - non-authorized card in Mini-PCI slot. Remove and reboot.
I bought a Dell-branded Intel 3945 ABG card to replace a wonky 2200BG card that wouldn't stay connected. I had to run a BIOS program in the past to hack the BIOS.
Remove the wristpad, the PCI card, run No-1802, put everything back
together and now I'm back up and running.
The fan alternates between 0 and 2900 RPMs now - 350 RPMs less. it's a lot quieter, and I suspect I'll get better battery life, too.
stuck to standard size systems work to this point. All of the
proprietary crap and everything sometimes being stuck on one board has kept me away from working on laptops to this point.
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