Special Event Station WW0WWV[1] was on the air over the August 24 - 25 weekend from the WWV site near Fort Collins, Colorado, to wring out any issues in advance of the WWV centennial special event, September 28 - October 2.
"The stormy sea of RF at the WWV/WWVB site was calmed a bit as initial tests at the WW0WWV special event station proved very successful and took much less time than we initially anticipated," reported Dave Swartz, W0DAS. "We assembled, raised, and tested one of our two SteppIR two-element Yagi antennas in just a few hours, with great results on the Reverse Beacon Network and with the couple of dozen contacts we were able to make on 20-meter CW," Swartz said. "The CrankIR vertical antennas tuned nicely on 80 and should provide for 80 through 10 meters for two of our stations."
Given its proximity, WWV's 10 MHz transmitter presented a problem. Initial tests of the 30-meter notch filter showed a 20 dB attenuation, which was not narrow enough. Swartz said organizers are considering using a crystal notch filter in order to work around the 10 MHz, 10 kW WWV signal and that the organizers have not thrown in the towel on 30-meter operation.
"By the end of the day on Saturday, we were happy with our results, and we decided a second day wasn't necessary," Swartz said. The team will remain busy over the next 4 weeks getting everything ready for the special event and will announce[2] specific operating frequencies on its website and via social media.
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