• W1AW Endowment Contributions will be Properly Credited Despite Incorrect Return Envelope

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Mar 18 17:29:26 2019

    Due to an inadvertent mix-up, a recent ARRL solicitation letter to benefit the W1AW Endowment Fund included a return envelope designating the Spectrum Defense Fund.

    "We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused for those who donated or were considering making a donation," ARRL Development Manager Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD, said. "At ARRL, we always strive to present ourselves with the utmost professionalism, but since we are all human, mistakes can occasionally happen."

    Clarke said W1AW Endowment Fund donation checks will be correctly accounted for because the accompanying reply slip designates the correct fund. "In this, as with all solicitations, ARRL makes sure that its donors' intents are honored," Clarke said.

    The W1AW Endowment Fund makes possible critical resources, maintenance, repairs, and updates for W1AW. The station provides bulletins and code practice transmissions on nine bands on phone, CW, and FM voice. During natural disasters and other emergencies, ARRL staff and volunteers are at W1AW, standing ready to assist in net operations and coordinating with national partners and disaster responders.

    Thousands of members visiting ARRL Headquarters each year are eager to tour the Maxim Memorial Station and to operate its state-of-the-art equipment using the famous W1AW call sign.

    Those intending to donate to the W1AW Endowment Fund solicitation may use the Spectrum Defense Fund reply envelope and be assured that their donations will be directed to the correct fund, Clarke said.

    Contact[1] Clarke for more information at (860) 594-0348. 

    [1] mailto:lclarke@arrl.org

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