• Amateur Radio Honored in Advance of Field Day 2018 on June 23 – 24

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Jun 20 13:23:17 2018

    Each year as ARRL Field Day[1] approaches, state and local governments traditionally take advantage of the opportunity to honor Amateur Radio in the form of various proclamations. This list of those that took part is not necessarily comprehensive.

    o In Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey proclaimed June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week." A delegation of radio amateurs from around the state were on hand as Governor Ivey signed the proclamation.

    o In Idaho, Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter has proclaimed June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week." The proclamation declares that Amateur Radio has proved its relevance in the modern world by providing emergency communications when other system failed in the wake of hurricanes and other disasters.

    o In Massachusetts, at the urging of State Senator Bruce Tarr, N1UIU, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker signed a proclamation declaring June 24 as "Amateur Radio Day" in the Bay State.

    o In South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster has declared the week of June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week." He encouraged South Carolinians to recognize radio amateurs for "their many contributions, including emergency communications and other public service work, to the continued safety of the residents of the Palmetto State."

    o In the state of Washington, Governor Jay Inslee proclaimed the week of June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week," encouraging recognition of the importance of Amateur Radio operators, "on whom we can rely during emergencies or disasters within the state."

    o The Orange Park, Florida, Town Council designated June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week," recognizing Amateur Radio's role in furthering international goodwill as well as its public service in disasters, emergencies, and during public events.

    o The Town Board of Cicero, New York, recognized the Liverpool Amateur Radio Club for its "fundamental role in disaster communications" for the town. The Town Board cited LARC's participation in Field Day at William Park on Field Day weekend.

    o The City Council of Goose Creek, South Carolina, proclaimed June 17 - 23 as "Amateur Radio Week." Mayor Greg Habib said radio amateurs "further demonstrate their value in public assistance by providing free radio communications for local events."

    o The City of Midland, Michigan, proclaimed June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week" in that community, recognizing "the efforts of ham radio operators, especially during times of emergency." Mayor Maureen Donker presented Midland Amateur Radio Club President Al Bailey with the proclamation on June 11 during a City Council meeting.

    o The Volusia County, Florida, County Council has designated June 17 - 24 as "CQ Florida Amateur Radio Week," honoring Amateur Radio generally and the group CQ Florida in particular. The Council urged residents to honor Amateur Radio operators "for providing a bridge between peoples, societies and countries by creating friendships and sharing information."

    o In Ohio, the Hancock County Commission designated June 18 - 24 as "Amateur Radio Week," noting that the Hancock AuxComm Team will host a Field Day event at Clarke Field in Newell.

    More than 1,400 clubs and groups in the US and Canada have let ARRL know of their plans to be on the air for Field Day by registering their locations on the Field Day locator page[2].


    [1] http://www.arrl.org/field-day
    [2] http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator

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