Subject: Bouvet Island 3Y0Z DXpedition Organizers Planning for 14 to 16 Days on the Air
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The organizers of the January 2018 3Y0Z DXpedition to Bouvet Island[1] - the second most-wanted DXCC entity, according to Club Log's DXCC Most Wanted List[2] - said the team continues to refine its plans and, "depending on weather and other factors," hopes to be on the air for 14 to 16 days. The team will depart the South Shetlands Islands on January 13, 2018, the 3Y0Z organizers said in a June 27 news release.
"Our transit time to Bouvet will be between 9 and 11 days depending on weather and the sea state. Upon arrival at Bouvet we will conduct reconnaissance flights to the island and select a campsite free of crevasses. As weather permits we will begin building our radio city on the ice and secure our infrastructure. Then antennas will go up, our equipment will be assembled, and we will begin non-stop operations." The team will be at Bouvet for 3 weeks.
Preparations will continue over the summer and fall, including testing equipment under harsh conditions, assembling, testing, and packing antennas, and packing and shipping the Sea Container from Atlanta. The estimated cost of this DXpedition is upward of $750,000. The DXpedition has a Facebook page[3]. - Thanks to Ralph Fedor, K0IR; Bob Allphin, K4UEE, and Erling Wiig, LA6VM for the 3Y0Z team
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