Subject: Motorola Solutions Expands Patent Infringement Complaints against Hytera
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Motorola Solutions[1] on March 29 announced[2] that it had filed patent infringement complaints with the Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Germany, against Hytera Communications[3] of Shenzhen, China, and Hytera Mobilfunk of Bad Munder, Germany.
The legal action in Germany came on the heels of complaints[4] the company filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleging that Hytera's digital mobile radio (DMR) products employ techniques and systems that infringe on Motorola Solutions' patents and trade secrets. Already known for its Land Mobile Radio Service products, Hytera entered the Amateur Radio DMR market last year. The Regional Court complaints assert that Hytera's two-way wireless communication devices that utilize "pseudo-trunking" functionality infringe on a Motorola Solutions' patent.
Motorola also has filed a patent infringement complaint against Hytera with the US International Trade Commission. In the complaints, Motorola is seeking to prevent Hytera from offering and delivering products that, it contends, infringe on Motorola patents and to halt the marketing and sale of the infringing devices.
■ Synchronet ■ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS