FEMA Official Tells ARRL Delaware Section Conference that Her Agency Values Amateur Radio
QST on Mon Apr 4 15:50:55 2016
Amateur Radio leaders from clubs and Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) groups around Delaware met on March 19 in Dover to discuss the health of ham radio. This second annual conference centered on interoperability, training, and technology for emergency preparedness.
The focus of the gathering was to review accomplishments for 2015 and to develop a plan for training, emergency preparedness, and advanced technologies, as well as interoperability among FEMA, DEMA, state and local agencies, and the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS). FEMA Region III Emergency Communication Coordinator Jamy Lomento addressed the interoperability of agencies and how the Amateur Radio community is a valuable part of each FEMA region.
Delaware Section Manager Bill Duveneck, KB3KYH, hosted the conference.
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