• popular bands

    From Xucaen@VERT/TIMEPORT to All on Sat Nov 21 21:30:54 2015
    Hi All, I hold a General class license, but I currently don't own any equipment. I'd like to get back into it and I'd like to hear what's been happening lately in radio. I'm in the Boston area.

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    ■ Synchronet ■ The Time Portal - timeport.synchro.net:2112 - Celebrating the past from the futu
  • From Greystripe@VERT/VHACKER to Xucaen on Tue Nov 24 00:41:40 2015
    Re: popular bands
    By: Xucaen to All on Sat Nov 21 2015 09:30 pm

    Hey man!

    I'm over in Scotland - I mostly do VHF and UHF packet stuff, but I've been known to do a bit of QRP HF.

    I'm not a fan of the 'big' bands, 20M and the like, as I tend to find I get shouted over by contesters. I tend to chill out on the warc bands when I get a chance to sling everything up - it's getting cold now so I'll be back inside packeting for winter!

    For packet stuff, I mostly run a yaesu ft-7900 with either soundmodem or a tnc-x connected, and I use the linux ax.25 stack with uronode as my access for others.
    I've been known to use one of the cheap Baofeng handhelds for packet too, but it's definitely more hassle!


    ■ Synchronet ■ Virtualhacker.net BBS - The Virtual Hackerspace
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Greystripe on Thu Nov 26 13:31:09 2015
    Re: popular bands
    By: Greystripe to Xucaen on Tue Nov 24 2015 12:41 am

    I'm over in Scotland - I mostly do VHF and UHF packet stuff, but I've been known to do a bit of QRP HF.

    I do a small amount of VHF+, but I get bored with it pretty quickly, so it comes in waves every six months or so. At some point, I'll start trying satellite stuff, and expect that to last for a month or tow (but maybe it'll last longer).

    I'm not a fan of the 'big' bands, 20M and the like, as I tend to find I get shouted over by contesters. I tend to chill out on the warc bands when I get a chance to sling everything up - it's getting cold now so I'll be back inside packeting for winter!

    I've just gotten an order of a bunch of "stuff" so I'll be putting up a doublet in the next few days. I build a trap dipole some years ago that worked well enough, but it's degraded to uselessness now. I look forward to a post-mortem, but expect the doublet fed with window line to put some pep back in my antenna system.

    I do like the "big" bands when there's not a contest going on, and tend to toss a few contacts into the bigger contests when the bands start drying up. Never really pushed myself in a contest though.

    For packet stuff, I mostly run a yaesu ft-7900 with either soundmodem or a tnc-x connected, and I use the linux ax.25 stack with uronode as my access for others.

    I use an FT-736R for all my VHF+ stuff... I've got a KAM that I use for packet.

    I've been known to use one of the cheap Baofeng handhelds for packet too, but it's definitely more hassle!

    I have a UV-B5 for casual operating when away from home, but my HTX-202 and HTX-404 are what I use when I'm at Hamvention or anywhere else that will have a lot of close-in signals. I may have ran packet through the HTX-202 once, but never the Baofeng.

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