• Ham radio

    From Warlord@VERT/GRPWES to All on Tue Jan 12 23:38:00 2010
    I was first licensed in 1968 as WN6DJK (Novice) but I was
    a CB'er prior to that. My current call since 1979 is KA6HGT and
    I am on just about everything except AMSAT. I ran a Synchronet
    BBS about 1995 (v.220 DOS) called Highway-99 and just started
    playing with this newer software a week ago, running it on my
    10" Acer Netbook fulltime as GROUP WEST. I would be interested
    in seeing how many old users are still out here. The "original"
    Amateur Radio Net by Mark at Star Station BBS and myself. Later
    it was carried by Frank (TommyKnocker) at the Talamasca BBS who
    became the well known W6BBS. We networked this all via dialup
    back then and it was a little bit costly, but it was well worth
    every bit of the effort and expense. I am so happy to see all of
    this still here!

    Bob (Warlord) KA6HGT

    ■ Synchronet ■ Group West BBS - Los Angeles, CA
  • From Lord Time@VERT/TIME to Warlord on Wed Jan 13 10:01:00 2010
    In a reply from Warlord on 23:38 about Ham radio

    The "original"
    Amateur Radio Net by Mark at Star Station BBS and myself. Later
    it was carried by Frank (TommyKnocker) at the Talamasca BBS who
    became the well known W6BBS. We networked this all via dialup
    back then and it was a little bit costly, but it was well worth
    every bit of the effort and expense. I am so happy to see all of
    this still here!

    at this point I an the hub for that net

    Rob Starr
    Lord Time SysOp of Time Warp of the Future BBS
    ICQ # 11868133 Yahoo : lordtime2000
    AIM : LordTime20000 MSN : Lord Time
    Jabber : lordtime2000@gmail.com Astra : lord_time

    ■ CMPQwk 1.42 16554 ■ 1 Stick + 1 Coat = Red Dragon snack
    ■ Synchronet ■ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games
  • From mrproper@VERT/WARZONE to Lord Time on Wed Jan 13 19:55:24 2010
    Re: Ham radio
    By: Lord Time to Warlord on Wed Jan 13 2010 10:01 am

    it was carried by Frank (TommyKnocker) at the Talamasca BBS who
    became the well known W6BBS. We networked this all via dialup

    at this point I an the hub for that net

    anyone know whatever happened to TommyKnocker? I remember chatting with him, he was pretty cool dude.


    Tim Smith (Mrproper)
    WarZone BBS: warzone.synchro.net
    BBSsearch : http://search.synchro.net

    ■ Synchronet ■ Warzone - warzone.synchro.net - Chatsworth GA, USA
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to mrproper on Wed Jan 13 20:17:19 2010
    Re: Ham radio
    By: mrproper to Lord Time on Wed Jan 13 2010 07:55 pm

    Re: Ham radio
    By: Lord Time to Warlord on Wed Jan 13 2010 10:01 am

    it was carried by Frank (TommyKnocker) at the Talamasca BBS who W>became the well known W6BBS. We networked this all via dialup

    at this point I an the hub for that net

    anyone know whatever happened to TommyKnocker? I remember chatting with him, was pretty cool dude.


    Tim Smith (Mrproper)
    WarZone BBS: warzone.synchro.net
    BBSsearch : http://search.synchro.net

    hmm, do old hams start to go bad after a while?

    Caput meum major podice meo.
    This message has ended, go in peace...

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From Lord Time@VERT/TIME to mrproper on Thu Jan 14 11:55:00 2010
    In a reply from mrproper on 19:55 about Ham radio

    it was carried by Frank (TommyKnocker) at the Talamasca BBS who
    became the well known W6BBS. We networked this all via dialup

    at this point I an the hub for that net

    anyone know whatever happened to TommyKnocker? I remember chatting with him, m>he was pretty cool dude.

    ask warlord, he chat with TommyKnocker

    Rob Starr
    Lord Time SysOp of Time Warp of the Future BBS
    ICQ # 11868133 Yahoo : lordtime2000
    AIM : LordTime20000 MSN : Lord Time
    Jabber : lordtime2000@gmail.com Astra : lord_time

    ■ CMPQwk 1.42 16554 ■ I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them, I make them up!
    ■ Synchronet ■ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games
  • From General Mdk@VERT/PGG to Warlord on Sun Jan 17 22:57:20 2010
    Re: Ham radio
    By: Warlord to All on Tue Jan 12 2010 11:38 pm

    I sure remember the old Dial-Up Days. I ran a dialup-bbs on the CoCo. back in 1986. I run my SBBS on Gentoo Linux. Nothing like what some of the sysops's out there have done but at least it isn't stock. Harder to configure for sure. Gives my LH3 netserver something to do. My callsign here in Boone, Iowa is KD0BVI. I hope to get the general class soon and change my ID to General BVI.. Do you use the IRLP or WINS system out there in CA? Our local Des Moines node has been down for months now. But they just put up a new Echolink repeater close to me in Fort Dodge. I have had a blast with the linked system out there in CA. That's whats cool about hamms, alot of them still into BBS's.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Play Ground Gentoo [PGG] - Boone, Iowa