I have been having ChatGPT write me code for small discord projects. Yesterday I had it write me code for a BBS in python. I will see how it works sometime this week. It is fun when you use it as a tool.
Swc wrote to Phigan <=-
I have been having ChatGPT write me code for small discord projects. Yesterday I had it write me code for a BBS in python. I will see how it works sometime this week. It is fun when you use it as a tool.
Jimmy Anderson wrote to Swc <=-
Yeah, I used it just playing around with song ideas and it gave me a 'jumping off point' - but then used it to help me write some
AppleScript - I had to do some major tweaks to get it to work, but it saved me a ton of time!
If I was a "digital nomad" making money by creating throwaway content
for the web being paid to sell ads, I'd be worried.
Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of
mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
My wife seems to think that AI is going to put a lot of people out of work, I think it's going to impact some people, but those who adapt to
use tools like ChatGPT to make themselves more productive will be OK.
Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of
mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
My wife seems to think that AI is going to put a lot of people out of work, I think it's going to impact some people, but those who adapt to use tools like ChatGPT to make themselves more productive will be OK.
It's no different than any technology advancement. Some opportunities will close, others will open.
Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
That would be nice. But I remember CASE tools back in the 1990's. They wer supposed to eliminate programmers. The business analysis entered the requirements in and the CASE tool spit out the code.
And we all know where CASE tools ended up.
So I'm not real concerned about AI right now. But, in general, you should always pay attention and if your job becomes something that a machine can do it's time for a career change.
... A perfect woman is one that is inflated to 40psi.
Arelor wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
To be honest, I think that business model was an overgrown bubble ready
to burst anyway.
Too much people is doing it, but the work itself is not very
productive. You need a whole lot of traffic to make a meaningful
Tracker1 wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Been playing with Github Copilot a bit on my personal system, and will
say it definitely helps with boilerplate code. Like was (re)creating a schema script for PostgreSQL based on an existing SQL Server dump, and most of the many/many tables did a perfect job as soon as I named the table.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
Change and advancement in technology will always be viewed with
skepticism and uncertainty. A jobs are eliminated, new jobs appear. Graduates may be doing work that did not exist before they went to college.
My concern is whether or not this generation coming out of college can adapt quickly.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
Change and advancement in technology will always be viewed with skepticism and uncertainty. A jobs are eliminated, new jobs appear. Graduates may be doing work that did not exist before they went to college.
My concern is whether or not this generation coming out of college can
adapt quickly.
Change and advancement in technology will always be viewed with skepticism and uncertainty. A jobs are eliminated, new jobs appear. Graduates may be doing work that did not
exist before they went to college.
My concern is whether or not this generation coming out of college can
adapt quickly.
So I'm not real concerned about AI right now. But, in general, you should always pay attention and if your job becomes something that a machine can do, it's time for a career change.
Been playing with Github Copilot a bit on my personal system, and
will say it definitely helps with boilerplate code. Like was
(re)creating a schema script for PostgreSQL based on an existing SQL
Server dump, and most of the many/many tables did a perfect job as
soon as I named the table.
I wonder if it would work with deprecated PHP code? I have a photo
gallery app that's abandoned and a wordpress script I've modified for
my personal site - neither of them work with the newest version of PHP
and throw errors. I don't know a lot of PHP, just enough to get in trouble.
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: Dr. What to poindexter FORTRAN on Mon May 08 2023 07:43:00
So I'm not real concerned about AI right now. But, in general, you should always pay attention and if your job becomes something that a machine can do, it's time for a career change.
Plunbing should be safe for a long while to come.
Michael J. Ryan
Tracker1 wrote to Dr. What <=-
So I'm not real concerned about AI right now. But, in general, you should always pay attention and if your job becomes something that a machine can do, it's time for a career change.
Plunbing should be safe for a long while to come.
i've even seen machines take over for manual labor like taking a box off of a line and stacking it. fine, i'll be
the guy that fixes it when it fucks up. they didnt eliminate anybody for that job, they simply gave that guy an
easier time so he can focus on something else.
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: MRO to Tracker1 on Thu May 11 2023 12:34 am
i've even seen machines take over for manual labor like taking a box off of a line and stacking it. fine, i'll be
the guy that fixes it when it fucks up. they didnt eliminate anybody for that job, they simply gave that guy an
easier time so he can focus on something else.
The main thing is going to be how simple/mechanical/repeatable the action is.
Sort of like how "do arithmetic for eight hours a day" was replaced by Excel, but "Use the results of that arithmetic to write reports and suggestions, tailored to the complex blend of personalities that have a stake in it" has taken much longer to adequately automate.
John Guillory wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Yeah, like being told they have to take a break, and clock-out after
they start the tape backups, come back right as the tape finishes,
clock in, and change the tape, then clock back out, take another break, etc. until the backups are finished,, then clock out for the night and
go home.... Darn it, I hated that Job with a passion! I was the
happiest person when they told me they had to let me go, because I mis-typed the date on one of the jobs....
Dr. What wrote to Tracker1 <=-
Tracker1 wrote to Dr. What <=-
So I'm not real concerned about AI right now. But, in general, you should always pay attention and if your job becomes something that a machine can do, it's time for a career change.
Plunbing should be safe for a long while to come.
Except in California cities - where it seems to be optional.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dr. What <=-
Except in California cities - where it seems to be optional.
I don't know what you're hearing, but I'd love to see some citations.
If you are unaware of the sanitation problems in some California cities then you are willfilly ignorant. And I
don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: Dr. What to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat May 13 2023 08:17 am
If you are unaware of the sanitation problems in some California cities then you are willfilly ignorant. And I
don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
What about for someone who doesn't run in those circles, but is curious?
I don't watch much news, outside of local.
Margaerynne wrote to Dr. What <=-
If you are unaware of the sanitation problems in some California cities then
you are willfilly ignorant. And I
don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
What about for someone who doesn't run in those circles, but is
I don't watch much news, outside of local.
I've made no reference to any "circles".Ah, I see! There is the ability to understand things even
Willful ignorance is willful ignorance, no matter the reason.And it's what keeps people sane!
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: Dr. What to Margaerynne on Sun May 14 2023 07:36 am
I've made no reference to any "circles".Ah, I see! There is the ability to understand things even
when they are not explicitly spelled out, but I'm beginning
to feel that might be a bit rarer than previously thought.
Willful ignorance is willful ignorance, no matter the reason.And it's what keeps people sane!
Margaerynne wrote to Dr. What <=-
Willful ignorance is willful ignorance, no matter the reason.
And it's what keeps people sane!
Willful ignorance is willful ignorance, no matter the reason.
And it's what keeps people sane!
It's what keeps people oppressed.
places like amazon and johnson's wax (used robot trains for 30+years)
use automated bots for moving product around. there's still people who have to operate the bots and take/work with the materials from them.
so machines and robots will not take over. i've been hearing that since i was a kid. -+-
I don't watch much news, outside of local.
use google
people shit on the ground. tent cities. needles on the ground.
walgreens thefts.
It's what keeps people oppressed.
Willful ignorance keeps people oppressed?? How so?
so machines and robots will not take over. i've been hearing that since i was a kid. -+-
But one bot/robot can do the work of many humans. You need one
human to maintain, monitor or repair a bunch of machines.
Machines HAVE displaced a bunch of humans for a task.
What MRO said. Some celebrities have started calling out San
Fransisco in particular regardng these issues. There is even an app called Crapchat (or maybe Snapcrap?) that lets
users take photos of feces,
needles, and other such lovely things littering the street. IIRC, the app alerts the city, or maybe just other
appalled users.
But from what I've heard, SF still hasn't really started recovering from the pandemic.
Regardless of anything else, it's a shame that it's getting this bad, and I hope they turn it around.
Hustler wrote to Dr. What <=-
Willful ignorance is willful ignorance, no matter the reason.
And it's what keeps people sane!
It's what keeps people oppressed.
Willful ignorance keeps people oppressed?? How so?
Hello MRO!
** On Thursday 11.05.23 - 15:40, MRO wrote to Margaerynne:
places like amazon and johnson's wax (used robot trains for 30+years) use automated bots for moving product around. there's still people who have to operate the bots and take/work with the materials from them.
so machines and robots will not take over. i've been hearing that since was a kid. -+-
But one bot/robot can do the work of many humans. You need one
human to maintain, monitor or repair a bunch of machines.
Machines HAVE displaced a bunch of humans for a task.
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: Margaerynne to Dumas Walker on Mon May 15 2023 11:06 pm
But from what I've heard, SF still hasn't really started recovering from the pandemic.
Regardless of anything else, it's a shame that it's getting this bad, an hope they turn it around.
it was shitty before the pandemic. no pun intended.
Machines can monitor other machines, and predict maintenance and failures.they can do that. but they arent used to do that. atleast to predict maint and failures.
Dr. What wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I don't know what you're hearing, but I'd love to see some citations.
If you are unaware of the sanitation problems in some California cities then you are willfilly ignorant. And I don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
Margaerynne wrote to Dr. What <=-
don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
What about for someone who doesn't run in those circles, but is
MRO wrote to Margaerynne <=-
people shit on the ground. tent cities. needles on the ground.
walgreens thefts.
Willful ignorance keeps people oppressed?? How so?
You already answered your question.
You already answered your question.
As you primarily give non-answers rather than educational replies,
I can only assume you are here to oppress us.
Re: Re: ChatGPT
By: Hustler to Dr. What on Mon May 15 2023 12:52 pm
IMO ignorance keeps people opressed by preventing them fro understanding how they are being robbed of their freedoms.
For example, if you've grown up in a repressive society with no rights, you can't know what it's like to enjoy free speech.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dr. What <=-
If you are unaware of the sanitation problems in some California cities then you are willfilly ignorant. And I don't waste my time trying to educate the willfully ignorant.
You made it sound like a California-wide problem, now you're putting
the onus of your claims on the reader. How convenient.
Margaerynne wrote to Dr. What <=-
You already answered your question.
As you primarily give non-answers rather than educational replies,
I can only assume you are here to oppress us.
Re: ChatGPT
By: Moondog to Ogg on Tue May 16 2023 08:56 am
Machines can monitor other machines, and predict maintenance and failuresthey can do that. but they arent used to do that. atleast to predict maint failures.
Margaerynne wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
But from what I've heard, SF still hasn't really started recovering
from the pandemic.
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
It was getting shitty over 25 years ago. There's a Deep Space Nine episode where a trip to Earth results in a transporter accident, and
Sisko and Bashir go back in time to the 21st century San Francisco. In this future time, SF is an internment camp for the homeless.
Dr. What wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I put the onus on the readers to educate themselves.
It is not my job to educate and the willfully ignorant refuse to be educated, so "helping" them out is only wasting my time.
Margaerynne wrote to Dr. What <=-
As you primarily give non-answers rather than educational replies,
I can only assume you are here to oppress us.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dr. What <=-
I put the onus on the readers to educate themselves.
It is not my job to educate and the willfully ignorant refuse to be educated, so "helping" them out is only wasting my time.
How convenient for you. Make claims, don't back them up, and belittle
the reader for not being as cognizant as you.
With behavior like that, be prepared to be treated as a troll.
Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of
mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of
mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
I think you're on teh right track here...
... Photons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic!
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Otherwise, I'm hoping AI is like the advent of step-programmable calculators, where people didn't have to do the grunt work of
mathematics and could do the imaginative stuff instead.
I think you're on teh right track here...
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-
I can't take credit for it - I had a calculus teacher in college who
was enamored with programmable calculators as tools of freedom. He'd
grown up in a world where most computations were by hand, and he saw calculators as a tool to free your mind. These were people who could
draw spreadsheets and recalculate them by hand.
people shit on the ground. tent cities. needles on the ground.
walgreens thefts.
i dont have a tv and i don't watch the news but i still know
whats going on there.
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