• Els bons vells temps de B

    From Kevin@VERT/MMN to All on Fri Nov 8 09:49:00 2019
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    MMN is kind of now ec.je, the BBS name won't be
    changing, we are still MMN (Mr.ManNET) and we are
    officially text only.

    via telnet : bbs.ec
    via ftp : ftp.ec
    via nntp : nntp.ec.je
    via modem : (416) 548-4117 [2400 baud]
    via gopher : gopher.mmn.on.ca:70
    via web : www.bbs.ec
    via email : https://mmn.groups.io

    Local Groups, Files, Email Address @bbs.ec
    and connected to DOVE-NET, RetroNet, GameNet and USENET.

    Need a hostname for your board, app, or self hosted server ? https://bbs.ec/public/freedns/default.wct

    Choose from :
    bbs.yt, frankenserver.eu, mono.mx, uun.nz, and zigs.eu !

    ■ wcQWK 6.0 ≈ MMN :: (416) 548-4117 :: dial.bbs.ec :: www.bbs.ec