• RetroDigital BBS is back!

    From Deepend@VERT/RDBBS to All on Tue Dec 30 00:19:29 2014
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    (_____ (| | | | __ (| __ ( \ \
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    |_|_____/ |______/|______(______/
    RetroDigital.net BBS - Anything Retro!

    Telnet: telnet://bbs.retrodigital.net/
    WWW: http://www.retrodigital.net/
    IRC: IRC://rdnetirc.com in #RetroDigital
    Fidonet: 1:342/11
    Dove-NET: RDBBS
    Max Nodes: 10
    Messages: 236,385
    Files: 238 - Lots of files to be added soon.
    LORD, and more door games available!

    We have also started an IRC network dedicated to Retro Enthusiasts and the BBS community! Come check it out on irc.rdnetirc.com port:6667
    Hope to see you all there.

    More information can be found at:

    Sorry for the downtime. BBS had a complete server failure and had to start over.

    ■ Synchronet ■ RetroDigital BBS - bbs.retrodigital.net
  • From Deepend@VERT/RDBBS to All on Mon Jan 5 20:44:40 2015
    ______ _____ ______ ______ _
    (_____ \(____ \ (____ \(____ \ | |
    _____) )_ \ \ ____) )____) ) \ \
    (_____ (| | | | __ (| __ ( \ \
    | | |__/ /| |__) ) |__) )____) )
    |_|_____/ |______/|______(______/
    RetroDigital.net BBS - Anything Retro!

    Telnet: telnet://bbs.retrodigital.net/
    Main Website: https://retrodigital.net/
    BBS Website: http://bbs.retrodigital.net/
    IRC: irc://rdnetirc.com in #RetroDigital

    Message Networks:
    Fidonet: 1:342/11
    Dove-NET, DeveloperNet, MusicalNet
    *NEW* 37 Usenet Newsgroups - Topics from Sports to Jukeboxes. *NEW*

    Max Nodes: 10
    Messages: Over 300,000
    Files: 238 - Lots of files to be added soon.

    BBSLink InterBBS Games:
    Lord, Lord2, Planets: TEOS, Operation: Overkill, Trade Wars 2002, Pimp Wars, Lunatix, BBS Crash.

    We have also started an IRC network dedicated to Retro Enthusiasts and the BBS community!
    Come check it out on irc.rdnetirc.com port:6667

    More information can be found at:

    Hope to talk to you all soon!

    ■ Synchronet ■ RetroDigital BBS - bbs.retrodigital.net