* * * This message was from Gert Andersen to All * * *
* * * and has been forwarded to you by Lord Time * * *
@TZ: 0078
Hello All!
Yes it is a invitation to visit some webs.
http://www.linuxnet.name co
Then is there the Sysop's TechNet web or webs.
http://www.sysoptech.net and
The new too working web at
Take care,
- Get the best with linux -
--- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.39-gentoo-r1 (x86_64))
* Origin: * One bird in hand is better than 10 on the roof * (10:10/129)
■ Synchronet ■ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games