♥9S>♥5 ♥0
♥9S>♥5 ♥1To♥9.......... ♥2All♥0
♥9S>♥5 ♥0
♥9S>♥5 I'm doing a test post on all networks to see if my system is still linked♥0
♥9S>♥5 and mainly to let others know that I've made a BIG change to a complete♥0
♥9S>♥5 Mysticbbs That basicly means there is nolonger any IREX, ALLFIX or♥0 ♥9S>♥5 Fastecho here. All other systems that have a link to mine should check♥0 ♥9S>♥5 both my areafix/filexfix to make sure they are getting the same echo's as♥0
♥9S>♥5 before. If any passwords got messed up you should know who to email or♥0 ♥9S>♥5 find me on my system. Sorry, for any inconvenince.♥0
♥9S>♥5 ♥0
♥9S>♥5 --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A7 (Windows)♥0
♥9S>♥5 * Origin: flupH | fluph.darktech.org (46:1/102)♥0
Test looks good over here!
- Mark
--- WWIVToss v.1.51
* Origin:
http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (46:1/263.0)