• Ummmmmm

    From stizzed@46:10/117 to All on Sat Jan 18 11:13:12 2025
    Pffffft... (spell checker suggested Parfait and Pervert)
    (actually just testing to see that the .clo file gets deleted) ;)

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (46:10/117)
  • From Accession@46:1/100 to stizzed on Sat Jan 18 17:15:14 2025
    Hey stizzed!

    On Sat, Jan 18 2025 16:13:12 -0600, you wrote ..

    Pffffft... (spell checker suggested Parfait and Pervert)
    (actually just testing to see that the .clo file gets deleted) ;)

    Don't leave us in limbo. Is it?! :)


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    * Origin: The Pharcyde ~ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/100)
  • From stizzed@46:10/117 to Accession on Sat Jan 18 19:43:36 2025
    (actually just testing to see that the .clo file gets deleted) ;)

    Don't leave us in limbo. Is it?! :)

    It DID, Thanks!

    Best to you!

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (46:10/117)
  • From Atreyu@46:1/109 to Stizzed on Sat Jan 18 22:47:22 2025
    On 18 Jan 25 11:13:12, Stizzed said the following to All:

    Pffffft... (spell checker suggested Parfait and Pervert)
    (actually just testing to see that the .clo file gets deleted) ;)

    One has to be slightly perverted to get into .Clo files....


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (46:1/109)
  • From stizzed@46:10/117 to Atreyu on Sat Jan 18 23:04:31 2025
    On |1518 Jan 2025|08, |15Atreyu |08said the following...

    One has to be slightly perverted to get into .Clo files....


    Best to you!

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (46:10/117)
  • From Mortar@46:1/194 to Atreyu on Sun Jan 19 22:16:38 2025
    Re: Re: Ummmmmm
    By: Atreyu to Stizzed on Sat Jan 18 2025 22:47:22

    One has to be slightly perverted to get into .Clo files....

    Haven't got a .CLO, what is it?
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (46:1/194)
  • From Atreyu@46:1/109 to Mortar on Mon Jan 20 09:29:36 2025
    On 19 Jan 25 22:16:38, Mortar said the following to Atreyu:

    One has to be slightly perverted to get into .Clo files....

    Haven't got a .CLO, what is it?

    The results of a misconfigured system...


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (46:1/109)
  • From stizzed@46:10/117 to Atreyu on Mon Jan 20 22:34:04 2025
    On |1520 Jan 2025|08, |15Atreyu |08said the following...

    The results of a misconfigured system...

    How so, please?

    My original post on this subject was regarding the presence of a .clo file following an echomail export wherein it should have been deleted by the system but wasn't. I dont think that you're saying that .clo files are created due to a misconfiguration. Perhaps you are saying that the system failing to remove them is the result of a misconfiguration? If so can you please offer some thoughts as to what this misconfiguration might be? In my case this has happened once. But of course, my ADHD would not allow me to just delete the file and move on. However, If I had misconfigured my system three years ago when I set this network up I would expect to have seen this before but perhaps not? I understand what .clo files are and that they should be removed by the system but thats pretty much the end of my knowledge. However, Im certainly no expert on this which of course is the reason I posed the question here. Therefore, I would absolutely appreciate you expanding on your assertion that its a misconfiguration at the root of this problem. If it is I'd very much wish to correct it.

    Best to you!

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (46:10/117)
  • From Accession@46:1/700 to stizzed on Tue Jan 21 06:25:18 2025
    Hey stizzed!

    On Mon, Jan 20 2025 21:34:04 -0600, you wrote ..

    The results of a misconfigured system...

    How so, please?

    My original post on this subject was regarding the presence of a .clo
    file following an echomail export wherein it should have been deleted
    by the system but wasn't. I dont think that you're saying that .clo
    files are created due to a misconfiguration. Perhaps you are saying
    that the system failing to remove them is the result of a
    misconfiguration? If so can you please offer some thoughts as to what
    this misconfiguration might be? In my case this has happened once.
    But of course, my ADHD would not allow me to just delete the file and
    move on. However, If I had misconfigured my system three years ago
    when I set this network up I would expect to have seen this before but perhaps not? I understand what .clo files are and that they should be removed by the system but thats pretty much the end of my knowledge. However, Im certainly no expert on this which of course is the reason
    I posed the question here. Therefore, I would absolutely appreciate
    you expanding on your assertion that its a misconfiguration at the
    root of this problem. If it is I'd very much wish to correct it.

    If it only happened once in all that time, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you saved the file for further investigation, there's really no need to try to look into it any more, as you don't have the proper information (the .clo file's first 8 letter/number combination is hex for the system it's supposed to be sent to).

    This could have happened during a forced reboot, where a .clo file wasn't given a chance to be deleted the proper way. The "crash" attribute could have been accidentally set (using something like Golded) on something that wasn't configured for it in your tosser, etc. There's a few possibilities that won't be able to be checked unless you have the actual logs of that .clo file being created, or the file itself.

    If you've manually deleted this file, no need to keep investigating it unless it happens again. If it does happen again, keep the file so you can check what node number it was destined for. Otherwise, it's really not that big a deal - especially if it doesn't happen again for another few years. :)


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/700)
  • From stizzed@46:10/117 to Accession on Tue Jan 21 15:06:53 2025
    On |1521 Jan 2025|08, |15Accession |08said the following...

    If you've manually deleted this file, no need to keep investigating it unless it happens again. If it does happen again, keep the file so you
    can check what node number it was destined for. Otherwise, it's really
    not that big a deal - especially if it doesn't happen again for another few years. :)

    It likely was caused by a system interruption, power out, crash, or some other environmental anamoly.

    Of course, I saved the file elsewhere before deleting it from the system. Here were the contents of the file:

    ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th1 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th2 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th3 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th4 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th5 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th6 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th8 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.th9 ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.tha ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thc ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thd ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.the ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thf ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thg ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thh ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thi ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thk ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thl ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thn ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.tho ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thp ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thq ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thr ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.tht ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thu ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thv ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thw ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thx ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thy ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.ths ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thj ^c:\mystic\echomail\out\agoranet.02e\0009ffd9.thm

    Im completely OK with just letting this pass as an anomoly.

    Figured Id go ahead and post it for you to review.

    Thanks Nick, Always a pleasure!

    Best to you!

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (46:10/117)
  • From Accession@46:1/700 to stizzed on Tue Jan 21 17:47:11 2025
    Hey stizzed!

    On Tue, Jan 21 2025 15:06:53 -0500, you wrote:

    It likely was caused by a system interruption, power out, crash, or

    some other environmental anamoly.

    That's what I'm guessing. By the looks of the contents of that file, it looks like you had a lot of mail bundles created in one day?

    Im completely OK with just letting this pass as an anomoly.

    Were all of the bundles in that file non-existant on your system, too?

    Figured Id go ahead and post it for you to review.

    Definitely looks odd, and odd things can definitely happen during any of what you mention above. You definitely didn't send that many messages this way, unless they were all marked as BAD or DUPES.

    Thanks Nick, Always a pleasure!

    No problem. Glad to see you kept it to take a peek at!



    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/700)