• looking for art for my mpl game vudu island.

    From Dream Master@46:1/145 to All on Fri Jul 17 01:32:36 2015
    I'm looking for art for a mpl game i am making called vudu island. Here is
    the about:
    |15 W E L C O M E T O V U D U I S L A N D :
    vudu island is an RPG game like LoRD but with a tikki vudu
    twist. you are on a mission to find the hidden treasure and
    the many secrets of the island. you will encounter many
    enemies and surprises along the way. attack other players
    that will try to stop you. just remember that anything can
    happen and will. win the game and become the ruler of the
    island. keep in mind, danger lurks around every corner.

    you can see the basic frame work on my board in the address in my sig. from
    the main menu type /M and then select vudu island and the splash ansi is the color scheme im looking for. thanks who ever can do this. im looking at experienced ansi dudes ;)

    |08 ··[|15!|07dream master|15!|07DoRE|15!|07ACiDiC|15?|07demonic
    |08 ··[|15!|07dreamland|09.|07darktech|09.|07org

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